About GP in Yorkshire and the Humber
# Choose GP Yorkshire and Humber | Ethos and values of the GP School in Yorkshire and the Humber |
Joining the School of General Practice to train as a General Practitioner in Yorkshire and the Humber brings you into our training family.
We believe that all trainees can make a difference
We want our trainees to become part of their patient’s life stories
We aim to train independent primary care specialists and the leaders of the future
We want to prepare trainees for a future which is rapidly changing
We value our trainees as individuals and offer support to meet their needs
We value diversity and offer support to help all achieve their potential
We offer a range of schemes from small to large
We offer a variety of rotations to choose from
We offer trainees great opportunities to develop themselves to meet their goals
We support our educators and support teams to deliver high quality education
We are responsible to the population of Y&H to meet their needs for primary care |
Want to apply? See our recruitment page.
General Practice ST1 | Health Education Yorkshire and Humber (yorksandhumberdeanery.nhs.uk)
Not all doctors who are thinking about a career in General Practice get to try it out for themselves in their FY2 year before the Recruitment round starts in November.
If you are in your Foundation years and you are wondering about choosing General Practice as a career don’t forget that you can always ask to try out a ‘taster day’ to see what a day in the life of a GP is like. Talk to your Foundation School about this and they will put you in touch with a local GP Training Programme.
Primary Care Specialists /training with a difference
- Innovative posts - these posts are split between a variety of community and specialty care opportunities and GP practices making your learning relevant to your chosen career
- Multidisciplinary working, teaching and learning – we are developing opportunities for multi-professional learning and teaching to reflect the changing role of the GP
Meeting the needs of the population /becoming part of the patient’s story
- Trailblazer ST Scheme – rotations focused on health equity and meeting the needs of the most deprived
- Health needs assessment training within the half day release to learn how to identify the specific needs of the local population you are working with
- Community placement afternoons in ST1 to local voluntary organisations to get to know your community
- Opportunities to train in some of the most beautiful but more remote areas of Yorkshire and the Humber and make a difference to the lives of these populations
Developing our future leaders
- Future Leaders fellowships – Each year we offer a number of future leaders fellowship posts to allow trainees to develop leadership skills, undertake an academic post graduate certificate and make a difference in a variety of projects across the school and the community
- Trainee representatives – We encourage trainee representatives on a number of committees and also on our trainer interview panels
Variety of opportunity
- Scheme variety across the region
- Collaborative cross scheme working
- Trainee conferences and themed days.
- Academic fellowships are offered at Sheffield, Leeds and HYMS universities
- Visiting lecturer scheme offered at Leeds University working with the Medical School
- Global health fellowships in South Africa
- Out of programme opportunities in Whanganui and Greymouth, New Zealand
Caring about you and your training
- Our TPDs and educators offer educational but also pastoral support
- We have dedicated educator teams within the school to offer support to trainees who find they have either educational or personal difficulties during their training
- We embed CSA exam support within our training programs
- We offer coaching for any trainees
- We have an active and relevant SuppoRTT program for those returning after timeout of training
Preparing for the future
- We are developing a launch pad event to help support trainees with the transition after CCT
- We encourage engagement with RCGP through Next generation GP events and first 5 groups
- There are opportunities for Post CCT fellowships to give opportunity to continue to develop leadership skills post CCT
Innovative Posts
We are offering a range of innovative posts for trainees in ST1 and ST2. There can only be one of these posts in a rotation. Not all rotations will include an innovative post.
Rotations including certain ITP posts may not be suitable for ACTF.
Aims of Innovative Training posts
To link relevant specialty experience with the practical application of the learning in General Practice.
The post will be split between a GP practice setting and a community or Trust specialty.
The percentage in the GP setting will be between 25-50%
The specialty will be relevant to General Practice
The specialty setting will be where the most relevant learning is likely to occur. This will usually be in the outpatient setting but, in some specialties, this may also include the ward setting.
The learning opportunities will meet the relevant curriculum areas.
Innovative Posts on Offer – There are more innovative posts being developed across the Schemes in Yorkshire and the Humber:
Scheme |
Number of Innovative Posts |
Specialty |
Bradford |
4 |
Dermatology; Musculoskeletal Medicine; Inclusion Health; ENT |
Dewsbury, Wakefield and Pontefract |
6 |
Cardiology; Dermatology; Palliative Care; Musculoskeletal Medicine; Ophthalmology; Women's health |
Hull |
14 |
Sexual/Women’s Health; Frailty; Acute Care Unit; Paediatrics; Respiratory; Vascular; Diabetes and Endocrinology; Community Medicine for the Elderly; Exclusion Medicine; drugs and alcohol; homeless service |
Leeds |
12 |
Respiratory; Cardiology; Stroke; Renal |
Northallerton |
4 |
Cardiology/Endocrinology; Paediatrics; Psychiatry; Palliative Care/Respiratory |
North Lincolnshire and Goole |
28 |
Palliative Care; Occupational Health; Public health; Deprivation/Social Inequality; Dermatology/Sexual Health; Frailty; MAU; SAC; ENT; Ophthalmology; A&E; Urology; Rheumatology; Psychiatry; Community Mental Health; Early Intervention Mental Health. |
Pennine |
8 |
Surgery/Urology; Ophthalmology; Palliative Medicine; Sexual Health/MAU; Psychiatry; Oncology; Haematology; Dermatology; |
Scarborough |
3 |
Deprivation and Inclusion Health; Rheumatology; Learning Disabilities |
Sheffield |
4 |
Drugs and Alcohol; Community Paeds; Care of the Elderly; Asylum Health |
York |
13 |
Last Years of Life; Sexual and Reproductive Health; Dermatology; Women’s Health; Community Medicine for the Elderly; Diabetes, Endocrinology and Neurology; Dermatology and Rheumatology; Palliative Care; Urgent Care; Deprivation and Substance Misuse Medicine; CAMHS; |
If you are interested in the innovative posts please click here for feedback from two trainees on their experiences.
Since 2020, the GP school has offered exciting and challenging "Trailblazer GPST posts". These offer the opportunity to train with inspirational GPs serving our region's most socioeconomically deprived communities in so called "deep end" practices. By undertaking one of these posts you will gain the knowledge & skills to offer great primary care to struggling communities and vulnerable groups.
You will learn how to help people who are homeless, refugees / asylum and other vulnerable groups, people experiencing poverty and other problems that mean they experience worse health outcomes. You will leave the programme as a caring & compassionate GP with a deep understanding of health inequity and the needs of communities.
Over your 3 year training programme you will receive excellent vocational training that includes an innovative 6 month post working in areas such as mental health, substance misuse, inclusion health and other specialties. GP placements will be undertaken in "deep end" practices and you will gain additional experience in hospital posts relevant to primary care.
You will also attend quarterly away days with other Trailblazer GPSTs from across Yorkshire and Humber with an opportunity to take part in our internationally recognised Fair Health education programme.
Becoming a Trailblazer GP will mean you join a vibrant national & international network of primary care professionals committed to tackling health inequalities. We look forward to welcoming you to our family.
To find out more, click here to view our Sway.
Click here for FAQs
View our overview of: What we're Doing. What we're Achieving. What we're Learning.
The investment in primary care set out in the GP Forward View includes funding for 250 post-CCT Fellowships. These are innovative posts available for GPs in their first 5 years after qualification. In 2020/21, Health Education England will fund 25 fellowships across Yorkshire and Humber.
CCGs, Trusts, Federations and GP Practices can apply for funding for GP roles that come under one of five broad categories of fellowship:
- System leadership – Supporting emerging GP leaders within the local healthcare system
- Health equity – Using the fellowship programme to reduce health inequalities
- Clinical – Helping GPs to develop a clinical special interest e.g. dermatology, frailty, palliative care
- Academic – Supporting early academic careers
- Educational – Stimulating early career GP educators through involvement with undergraduate or postgraduate education
The funding is available to help meet the costs of 2 sessions per week of protected study / professional development time (up to £18,964) and the cost of additional training or qualifications (up to £5,000) for a maximum of 12 months.
In Yorkshire and Humber, practices whose populations experience high levels of socioeconomic deprivation can apply for our innovative and exciting Trailblazer scheme, with a fantastic programme of education and support provided by Fair Health.
The organisation hosting the fellowship will be expected to advertise the posts, appoint to the posts and meet the cost of employing the trainee for the remaining sessions. Posts are expected to commence late Summer / early Autumn 2020.
Detailed guidance is available here
To obtain further details or an application pack, please email: england.primarycareschoolyh@nhs.net
In Contact Training is a Longitudinal Integrated Training rotation being piloted by the Sheffield GP Training Scheme. This is an exciting new way to experience your GP Training. On this training rotation your experience in secondary care posts is interleaved with experience in a GP placement over 18 months to consolidate and embed your learning for your chosen GP Career.
Please click here for more detailed information.