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Yorkshire and Humber

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Future Leaders Recruitment

The Future Leaders Programme offers opportunties for NHS England Yorkshire and the Humber medical and dental trainees to undertake a one year Out of Programme Experience (OOPE) Leadership Fellowship to help grow and develop their personal leadership skills. Some vacancies are open to other healthcare professionals, such as nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, health care scientists, and SAS doctors and dentists.

The current round of recruitment for the Future Leaders Porgramme is for the August 2025 cohort. Please see the timeline below for more details.  

For further information about the Future Leaders Programme, please visit the Future Leaders website.

Applications for 2025-26

The application window for the 2025-26 cohort opens on Monday 4th November and closes at 4pm on Wednesday 27th November. Please refer to the recruitment timeline for further details.

Application instructions are available in the vacancies section below. A link to the full vacancy information for 2025-26 is also available through the vacancies section.

Enquiries: For general recruitment and fellowship enquiries, please e-mail: For enquiries about specific vacancies and to apply, please use the vacancy lead contact, available withing the vacancy advert.

Virtual drop-in sessions for potential applicants will be hosted by current fellows on:

Wed 23 October 2024, 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Tue 29 October 2024, 7pm to 8pm
Thu 07 November 2024, 7pm to 8pm
Tue 12 November 2024, 12:30pm to 1:30pm

To join one of the above sessions: Join Teams Meeting


Hosting a Leadership Fellow

Specialty schools and Local Education Providers are able to bid to host a Leadership Fellow. Organisations wishing to host a Leadership Fellow will need to submit a bid application and actively participate in recruitment. Future Leader Fellowships are funded for 12 months only. Bids may be either funded 100% by NHS England, or funded 50% by NHS England and 50% by an LEP.

For further information about hosting a leadership fellow and submitting a bid, go to the Call for Bids page.  

Applying to the Future Leaders Programme

We are delighted to hear you are interested in leadership.

To support you as you prepare for interview, you may find the following helpful:

  1. Prepare some interview ‘stories’ about your experience, skills and attitude, which you can use as examples in response to interview questions.  Remember these are not ‘stories’ in that they are fictional, they are ‘stories’ because they are engaging narratives describing your experience.  The ‘STAR’ approach (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is one framework you might use for structuring your responses. 
  2. If you do not already have a coach, you may wish to arrange some sessions through the NHSE coaching offer prior to any interviews to help with this preparation. 
  3. Please look out for our FLP recruitment open evening which will be held in the Autumn.  The date, once confirmed, will be updated on this webpage. The event will also be publicised via NHSE's social media channels.

Eligibility Criteria

Doctors and Dentists in Training and Public Health Registrars: 

Doctors and Dentists in training, and Public Health Registrars wishing to apply must have progressed to the relevant training grade below by the Programme start date: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainee (ST5/GPST2+ by programme start date)
  • Dental Specialty Trainee (StR by programme start date)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST4+ by programme start date)

In addition Doctors and Dentists in Training, and Public Health Registrars must:

  • Hold a Yorkshire and the Humber NTN
  • Have a satisfactory ARCP outcome by the programme start date

Post-CCT doctors, dentists and public health practitioners are not eligible. 

Other eligible Healthcare Professionals:

  • Nurses
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Pharmacists
  • Healthcare Scientists (e.g. Biomedical or Clinical Scientists) 
  • Biomedical Scientist / Healthcare Scientist (including medical photographers)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
In addition, healthcare professionals must be:
  • In a substantive healthcare role working for an NHS employer
  • In an Agenda for Change band 6 or 7 role (except pharmacists where applications from AfC Band 8a are accepted)
  • Working for an NHS employer in Yorkshire and the Humber
  • Have a minimum of 3 years experience in the role
  • Educated to degree level

Healthcare professionals who are currently in a leadership position are not eligible. Healthcare professionals currently in bank work, a locum position or working through any other agency are not eligible.

Physician Associates

Physician Associates who are on the Physician Associate Managed Voluntary Register (PAMVR) within the Faculty of Physician Associates (RCP), are eligible to apply. You should be up to date with the revalidation examination process and undertake annual appraisal.


All applicants must be registered and in good standing with the appropriate professional body.

In order to ensure as many healthcare professionals as possible have an opportunity to benefit from the programme, current or previous Leadership Fellows are not eligible to apply.


Right to Work - Tier 2 / Skilled Worker Visa

Doctors, Public Health Registrars and Dentists who are sponsored for visa purposes by NHS England should contact the Yorkshire and Humber sponsorship team via to discuss eligibility.

All other applicants requiring sponsorship are only eligible to apply if their current sponsor is willing to continue their sponsorship for the duration of the future leaders programme. 

Recruitment Timeline

Recruitment timeline for bids Leadership posts commencing August 2025:

Bid Applications open Monday 22 July 2024
Bid Applications close 17:00 on Wednesday 21 August 2024
Bids shared with panel Friday 30 August 2024
Panel scores submitted Wednesday 25 September 2024
Bid review panel Wednesday 16 October 2024
Review panel feedback sent by Wednesday 23 October 2024
Draft adverts shared with bidders Wednesday 30 October 2024
Applications open 10:00 on Monday 4 November 2024
Applications close 16:00 on Wednesday 27 November 2024
Shortlisting window 28 November to 6 December 2024
Interview window 16 December 2024 to 6 January 2025
Verbal offers made by Wednesday 8 January 2025
Appointments confirmed by Wednesday 15 January 2025
OOPE applications made by Monday 4 February 2025
Successful applicants start in post Wednesday 6 August 2025













All vacancies will follow the recruitment timeline above. Please note that vacancies for the 2025-26 cohort have now closed. 

All vacancies starting 6th August 2025 are available to view on our FLP vacancies page

Shortlisting and Interviews

Shortlisting and interviews are coordinated by the Lead Contact for each vacancy with guidance from the Future Leaders team. The interview window is given in the timeline above. Specific interview dates for each vacancy are included in the descriptions in the vacancies section. Interview venues will vary depending on the vacancy, and the specific interview venue will be given in the interview invitation.

Applicants invited to interview will be required to bring photographic ID (normally a Passport or Drivers Licence) when they attend. Any other documents you will need to bring with you, will be included in the interview invitation.

Offers and Appointment

Following interview, feedback and verbal offers will be made by the Lead Contact. The Lead Contact will also notify the Future Leaders team about the successful applicant. The successful applicant will then be sent a formal appointment letter by the recruitment team. The appointment letter will confirm details about the Future Leaders Programme, the post, and your employment.

Doctors, public health registrars and dentists in training only:

After accepting an offer for the Future Leaders Programme, trainees will need to apply for approval for a period Out Of Programme (OOP).

Employment Arrangements

Future Leaders vacancies are funded by NHS England. However, Leadership Fellows are not employed by NHS England and the employer will vary depending on the vacancy and the staff group of the successful applicant. The employer may be distinct from the host organisation or be based in a different location from the past.

Any questions regarding NHS service and contract arrangements should be directed to the nominated employer or current employer. Employment arrangements and contacts will be confirmed on appointment.

Doctors, public health registrars and dentists in training only:

You will be employed by the nominated employer for the vacancy. This includes doctors currently undertaking a Public Health training programme. Terms and conditions are similar to an existing trainees terms and conditions.

All other applicants in substantive posts

You will be appointed on a secondment basis. As such you will continue to be employed by your current organisation for the duration of the Future Leadership Programme. Any secondment must be agreed by your current employer. Applicants should therefore consider discussing the opportunity with their organisation at the time of application.

OOPE Application (Doctors and Dentists in Training, and Public Health Registrars only)

Doctors, public health registrars and dentists in training who are offered a Future Leaders post, will need to apply to their Training Programme Director for approval for a period Out Of Programme Experience (OOPE). As the programme is an OOPE opportunity, it does not count towards CCT / CCST.

OOP applications must be submitted 6 months prior to the OOP start date. To avoid delays, candidates should apply promptly after appointment to the Future Leaders Programme. Please see the Training Guidance webpage for information about the OOP approval process. 

Trainees should discuss OOP opportunities with their TPD before applying.

Academic trainees

Academic trainees are generally not able to undertake OOPE, but this is at the discretion of NHSE and the NIHR TCC. Academic trainees should consult the NIHR TCC website and discuss the opportunity with their Academic Supervisor before applying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply if I work Less Than Full Time (LTFT)?

Working LTFT should not be a barrier to applying for the FLP. Irrespective of the fellows working pattern the programme is fixed-term appointment for 12 months. It may be possible for you to make adjustments to the job role to allow for reduced working hours and ensuring the demands are more manageable.

We are keen to make the programme available to a broad range of staff that is reflective of different peoples working patterns. Please contact the Lead Contact for the vacancy to discuss whether the post would lend itself to LTFT / part-time working. Some posts may be more suitable than others. 

Please be aware that the Leadership year is a very busy and full one and includes the additional demands of a Postgraduate Certificate.  While, an extension may be possible on a case by case basis, all leadership posts are funded for 12 months only, irrespective of the post holders' working pattern.

Can I apply for a post at a different NHS organisation?

If you are in a substantive NHS post, you will need to ensure your current employer is happy to release you on a secondment. What is a substantive post? A permanent contract of employment within an NHS organisation.

If you are a doctor or dentist in training, you can also apply for a post at a different trust but you will need to apply for an OOPE (out of programme experience).

Can I apply for a post that is outside my speciality?

Yes, you can. All projects will provide the opportunity to develop transferrable leadership skills.

My clinical training rotation does not coincide with the start of the FLP, can I start the FLP later/earlier?

Unfortunately, the start date for the FLP cannot be flexed to fit with programme rotation dates. We feel that it is important that all FLPs start at once to create a cohesive and supportive cohort.

Can I undertake locum or bank work?

Fellows must be mindful of the fact that they are employed to undertake a Fellowship and that is their primary responsibility.  Normal hours of work should be clarified at the outset of the year with the Fellow’s Educational Supervisor.

It is not permissible to undertake any other form of employment during normal hours of work.  Undertaking additional / alternative employment during normal work hours of a Fellowship is fraudulent behaviour and Fellows doing so may be subject to disciplinary procedures by their employer, NHS England and their professional regulator.

Some Fellows express concern at spending a year away from clinical work and may wish to take steps to mitigate this concern and maintain their skills, e.g. through locum or bank work. Locum or bank work is permitted as long as it is undertaken in a Fellow's own time, i.e. during evenings, weekends or annual leave. Locum or bank work must not interfere with a Fellows’ ability to carry out their Fellowship role.

All Educational Supervisors and Fellows need to sign the locum/bank work agreement form by the end of August.

All Fellows must declare any clinical work undertaken at the end of their Fellowship year.  

Doctors, public health registrars and dentists in training only:

Fellows must declare all locums undertaken on their Form R, as this is the formal record of their whole scope of practice.

Can I apply if I am a Pharmacists employed at Band 8a?

Providing you do not have significant leadership experience (i.e your current role is primarily clinical), yes. 8b-d are not eligible.

Individual Future Leader posts may specify additional criteria. The prospective staff groups and specific requirements for each post are outlined in the relevant Person Specification in the vacancies section. Applicants should check their eligibility against these requirements and the person specification before applying.

Can I apply if I am an ACP, AHP, Nurse or Midwife and have previously or currently hold a leader ship role or been employed at Band 8a or higher?

Applications from the above groups would not be eligible for this role. The FLP is designed to support individuals who are early in their leadership journey and candidates with leadership experience, including those who have worked at AfC Band 8a or higher, fall outside the target group. 

Deferments on the grounds of pregnancy / parental leave

Candidates who are pregnant and therefore unable to commence the programme on the given start date are eligible to apply and will be treat the same as all other candidates applying for the post(s). If successful at interview, then a tentative deferment until the next intake (following August) will be offered. As funding for the Future Leaders Programme is non-recurrent it is not possible to guarantee that funding and post(s) will still be available. However subject to confirmed funding the candidates place will be honoured on the programme.  

It is imperative that all fellows commence the programme at the same time and therefore deferments will only be agreed for the usual FLP start dates and not sooner i.e. first Wednesday of August the following year.

Candidates should provide the host organisation / lead bidder with their contact information during the parental leave so they can be contacted and kept updated with regards to any deferment.

What will I be paid whilst undertaking my fellowship?

NHSE's contribution will be based upon your base line salary of your substantive role (ST grade or AfC banding).

Statement on pay equity

The Future Leaders Programme offers postgraduate doctors and dentists in training and other qualified NHS health professionals an opportunity to spend 12 months focusing on personal and professional development, combining leading a project with engagement in a wealth of leadership educational opportunities. We want the programme to be available to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria and can benefit from the unique opportunities the FLP offers, without the worry of financial penalty. With this in mind the posts are funded to remunerate the fellow at the grade / level of their existing substantive role within the NHS, allowing them to leave those posts for a year while they engage in this educational opportunity.  This means fellows will be rumunerated differently from one another, based on their occupation and grade within that occupation.  Whilst the FLP doesn’t offer a financial incentive for fellows, we hope the skills and opportunities gained during the programme will strengthen the chances of future leadership opportunities when returning to clinical practice.


For further information about the Future Leaders Programme, please visit the Future Leaders website.

If you cant find the information you need on our wesbite please contact the Future Leaders team via