Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

All the training schemes we offer in the Deanery have a corresponding study day programme. The completion of this study day programme is vital to progressing in your training. We offer a mix of virtual and face-to-face courses which are all bookable via Blackboard. All trainees should enrol onto their BlackBoard courses before the course start date. Attendance at all study days is mandatory

This page is dedicated to the various study day programmes we offer as well as other helpful information which will help with making your study days as efficient and enjoyable as they can be. Please check this page often for any possible updates to your study day programme. 

Useful Information: 

  • Leave for courses should be booked via Accent Leave Manager. Details on using the system are available here. For Dental Therapists - your employing practices do not use Accent Leave Manager, therefore please just liaise with your Practice Manager regarding attending study days. 

  • Expenses incurred for travel to and from study days will be claimed form your employing organisation (please check each section to see who is your Lead Employer). Please contact their Medical Education Team for further information. DTFTs are the only training scheme that can directly claim their expenses from NHSE. 

(Last Updated - 14/02/2025)


All study days should be enrolled on via BlackBoard before the study day. To search for courses easily each course title follows the same structure. This is Training Scheme/Course Title/Course Date. For example 'DFT All Scheme Induction 15SEP23'.

After the study day, you will be asked to complete an evaluation form via a feedback module which can be found in the Course Content section of each Blackboard course. Once completed and your attendance has been registered, you will be able to download your attendance certificate.  

Please note that during the year there may be the need to make some changes to the study day programme. You should always check the Blackboard website rather than the Blackboard app for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding courses.  

Please find some BlackBoard guides below that will assist you during your training programme (These guides refers to BlackBoard Verison 1.0 and are now outdated. We will upload updated guidance ASAP):

BlackBoard Account Creation and Course Enrolment Guide 

Accessing Certificates Through BlackBoard Guide


Dental Foundation Training

There is a comprehensive study day programme for foundation trainees. This will be shared with you, your Educational Supervisor, and your Practice Manager prior to your first day so that they can be scheduled into your timetable. Please note that attendance at these study days is a mandatory part of your training programme.  

Please find your comprehensive study day programme below according to the area scheme you belong to:

NY1 Study Day Programme

NY2 Study Day Programme

WY3 Study Day Programme

WY4 Study Day Programme

SY5 Study Day Programme

SY6 Study Day Programme

SY7 Study Day Programme

Medical Emergencies (ME):

Your intial ME learning will be a range of E-Learning modules (lasting around 4 hours) which you will have access from the 02/09/2024 and will need to be completed by the 06/09/2024. It is advised you complete this learning as quickly as possible. Considering this we ask for FDs to complete this E-Learning in practice between 1pm - 5pm on the 03/09/2024. This E-Learning will be held on a platform operated by the University of Leeds. You will be sent instructions on this and it will be discussed at induction as well.

Your 'Medical Emergencies ABCDE Interactive Lecture' on the 09/09/2024, will be held on the University's Athena system.

For the 'ME Simulation Session' each area scheme will be split into Group A or B and that will determine which session FDs attend. You have been informed of your group allocations via email.
Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA): 
All trainees must complete a CSA in practice before they can treat patients. For further information on the CSA please follow this link. Please note there is no CPD ceritificate for this course so there is no need to enrol onto BlackBoard. 
Any expenses you incur whilst attending training events during your foundation year will be claimed via your Lead Employer Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (formerly St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust). Please liaise with your employing Trust regarding the process for claiming expenses including how to ensure your Educational Supervisor is assigned as your approver on the expenses system. Please be aware, you may be required to have business use stated on your car insurance before any claim for business mileage is made. 
Dental Therapist Foundation Training

For full details on your DTFT study day programme, please consult the Google Drive Doc that Joanne Ward has given you access to as well. The study day programme is an essential part of Dental Therapy Foundation Training and therefore holidays must NOT be taken during the study day programme. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness or family bereavement) such absence may be approved by the Training Programme Director but it is not automatic and will not normally be done retrospectively. 

Please see the DTFT study day programme below: 

DTFT Study Day Planner 2024

DTFT Study Day Planner 2025

Medical Emergencies (ME):

Your intial ME learning will be a range of E-Learning modules (lasting around 4 hours) which you will have access from the 02/09/2024 and will need to be completed by the 06/09/2024. It is advised you complete this learning as quickly as possible. Considering this we ask for FDs to complete this E-Learning in practice between 1pm - 5pm on the 03/09/2024. This E-Learning will be held on a platform operated by the University of Leeds. You will be sent instructions on this and it will be discussed at induction as well.

Your 'Medical Emergencies ABCDE Interactive Lecture' on the 09/09/2024, will be held on the University's Athena system.

For the 'ME Simulation Session' each area scheme will be split into Group A or B and that will determine which session FDs attend. You have been informed of your group allocations via email. Joanne Ward has asked for Group A and B to complete virtual mandatory training on the day they are not present for the LDI Simulation session.
Coffee & Catch Up:

These will be informal virtual sessions set up by Joanne Ward, as such there will be no BlackBoard courses or certificates available for them.

Any expenses you face whilst attending training events during your year of training should be claimed via Selenity online expenses system. Please note, all claims must be submitted within 28 days of the activity taking place. Claims after this date will not be accepted by the system.

Joint Dental Foundation and Core Training

JDFCTs will follow a comprehensive study day programme in both their years of study. For JDFCT1s your programme will mostly be in line with the DFT programme and JDFCT2s will mostly be in line with the DCT1 programme.  

Prior to starting the programme, JDFCTs will be invited to attend an Introduction to Training in OMFS (ITOMS). This is not noted on the study day programme – you will receive separate communications regarding this.   

Please see the JDFCT1 and 2 study day programme below:

JDFCT1 Study Day Programme

JDFCT2 Study Day Programme - Please refer to the DCT1 study day programme as well for further information regarding E-Learning. 

Medical Emergencies (ME) - For JDFCT1s only:

Your intial ME learning will be a range of E-Learning modules (lasting around 4 hours) which you will have access from the 02/09/2024 and will need to be completed by the 06/09/2024. It is advised you complete this learning as quickly as possible. Considering this we ask for FDs to complete this E-Learning in practice between 1pm - 5pm on the 03/09/2024. This E-Learning will be held on a platform operated by the University of Leeds. You will be sent instructions on this and it will be discussed at induction as well.

Your 'Medical Emergencies ABCDE Interactive Lecture' on the 09/09/2024, will be held on the University's Athena system.

For the 'ME Simulation Session' each area scheme will be split into Group A or B and that will determine which session FDs attend. You have been informed of your group allocations via email.
Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA): 

All JDFCT1s must complete a CSA in practice before they can treat patients. For further information on the CSA please follow this link. Please note there is no CPD ceritificate for this course so there is no need to enrol onto BlackBoard. 

Any expenses you face whilst attending training events during your two-year course will be claimed  via your Lead Employer Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust. They have advised the following: 
In order to set up an expenses account for you, you will now need to request your supervisor/manager/Consultant to email e-travel - with your name, your payroll number (which can be found on your payslip), your NHS email address, the name of the person who will be authorising your claim and the name of a delegate who can also authorise your claim in case of their absence. 

Dental Core Training

Following a year of foundation training, the next step of your training is Dental Core Training. This offers trainees the experience of working in a range of settings and posts including hospitals, community practices and in the wider community, promoting wellbeing in a public health role.  

This programme runs a maximum of three years: 

  • DCT1 - DCT1 forms the second-year training of JDFCT2s.  

  • DCT2

  • DCT3

Prior to starting the programme, DCT1s will be invited to attend an Introduction to Training in OMFS (ITOMS). This is not noted on the study day programme – you will receive separate communications regarding this.   

All DCT trainees also have to attend mandatory study days throughout the year as noted in the study day programmes below. These study days are a blend of virtual and face-to-face courses. Please note there are also optional courses you will be able to attend as well should you wish, which should align with your Personal Development Plan. These will be noted in your programmes. 

Peer Mentoring Training (Mandatory for DCT3 and Optional for DCT2) - These courses will be bookable via the Professional Support Maxcourse. If you do have an account for this Maxcourse site then you will need to set one up. 

Any expenses you face whilst attending training events during your training programme will be claimed via your Trust’s Medical Education Team.  

Dental Specialty Training

Each Dental Specialty Training Programme will hold its own regional teaching days. These will be coordinated by the Training Programme Director. 

Inter-Specialty Training Days

There are two Inter-Specialty Training days held each year. These focus on updates and topcis of interest from two different dental specialties. 
The courses will be available to book via Blackboard. 

Upcoming Dates:

  • 24 October 2024, Best Western, The Quays Hotel, Sheffield. 
  • 19 March 2025, Park Plaza, Leeds


Leadership and Management

There is also a Leadership and Management programme in place for ST3, ST4 and ST5. This is a three year rolling programme and covers topic including:

  • NHS Management 
  • Teaching the Trainers
  • Critical Appraisal 09/10 Janaury 2025, Book via Blackboard.
  • Sustainability in the NHS
  • Management of NHS Training Programmes
  • Teaching for Senior STRs - 09/04/2025, Room 1 at Blenheim House, Leeds, 9am-5pm.


Sustainability Training 

ST1s will attend Sustainability Training alongside Dental Core Training Year 2s.  






Ghazala Ahmad-Mear and Sheryl Wilmott

Sustainability in the NHS Part 1

Action: Pre Course Work required

Remote online full day to register and access on Blackboard

Webinar style with Interactive Small Group Workshop


Sheryl Wilmott and Shimal Nemat

Sustainability in the NHS Part 2

Action: Pre Course Work required
14:00 – 17:00Hrs

Remote online half day to register and access on Blackboard Open project ‘clinic’ (optional – booking deadline 03.01.24)


Ghazala Ahmad-Mear

SusQI Project Presentation Day

Action: Pre course work required 09.00 – 17.00Hrs F2F / Leeds Presentation of projects with prizes

The aims of the training are to:

1. To develop an understanding of the health impacts of climate change and the impact that the health sector has on the environment.

2. To introduce Sustainable Healthcare and Sustainable Dentistry

3. To introduce Sustainable Quality Improvement (SusQI) and the ‘triple bottom line’

4. To measure ‘sustainable value’ using a multi-dimensional approach of environmental, social, financial and patient outcomes at the micro and population-level

5. To develop initial ideas for dental sustainability projects that will be presented at the ‘Dental Sustainability in the NHS’ presentation day next year


All of these courses will be available to book via Blackboard. Please register in advance of the event. 

Attendance on the day will be registered by the DST QR Code


Registration QR Codes

You will register your attendance throughout your training year via the QR Codes below. The QR Code is linked to a Microsoft Form that will need to be completed to record your attendance.  

Every course (virtual and F2F) will have a corresponding randomised digit PIN. Without the PIN the form will not take you through to the final stages to record your attendance. You will be provided with the PIN by the facilitator towards the end of your course. This attendance record will be used to update BlackBoard where you can download your CPD certificates. In the event you cannot attend a study day (e.g. sickness), you must use your QR code to record your absence and the reason for this. 

If you do not record your attendance at courses this could impact the progression of your training programme. 

NY1 QR Registration

NY2 QR Registration

WY3 QR Registration

WY4 QR Registration

SY5 QR Registration

SY6 QR Registration

SY7 QR Registration

JDFCT1 QR Registration

DTFT QR Registration

DCT QR Registration (including JDFCT2)