About your Programme - JDFCT Hull OMFS
The Hull OMFS department is a close-knit friendly team. Trainees will gain wide experience in OMFS- (Oncology, trauma, orthognathic surgery, oral surgery), as well as Restorative dentistry, Orthodontics, and Community Paediatric Dentistry.
Being part of the two year JDFCT programme has enabled our training to be vast. Specifically, to Hull you will develop:
treatment planning for patients before head and neck radiotherapy and communicating effectively with them
carry out more restorative treatment for head and neck cancer patients
treatment planning for paediatric community patients
hands-on experience in oral surgery under local and general anaesthetic
Orthodontic experience
Daytime on-call experience
Opportunity to undertake audits and research with support from colleagues.
Teaching sessions and presentation opportunities
Training is split across three sites:
Castle Hill Hospital- outpatient clinics, MOS and theatre.
Hull Royal Infirmary- Day Surgery and On-call
Highlands Health Centre- Paediatric Community Dental Services
Hull has an extensive bus network across the city. There are also good train links with direct trains to Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, and London
Personal Testimonial:
I really value the guided experience I have had in complex extractions, paediatric community, orthodontic and the oral med/surgery clinics as the clinical knowledge and experience have been so transferable to general practice. Being exposed to a lot of dental specialists means I can make an informed decision early as to where I want my career to take me. (JDFCT2 Testimonial)