Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

College Registration Forms


Core Training

Specialty Registrar Training

Document Library

Commonly accessed documents are available for download here. Click on the title for each document to access the link. This section is being added to all the time. Please email Phil Jackson if there are additional docs you think should be here.


These forms can be used to work out what evidence is needed for ARCP. They can be accessed from the checklist page HERE.


Other ARCP Resources

These are other useful resources that can be used to make life easier during day to day training or to help work out what competencies still need to be covered during a particular year of training. These have often be produced by trainees to aid their colleagues and the author is usually highlighted in the description. If you think your work has not been highlighted appropriately then please get in touch and this will be amended immediately.

ACCS year 1 competency and procedure recording and guidance tool: This Excel file produced by Marc Fadden will help you keep a record of which Year 1 ACCS competencies you have completed, the grade of the person who did it and which ones are still pending. This is better kept on the computer or smart phone and filling in electronically

ACCS year 1 competency and procedure list: This word document produced by Rose Lefley will help you keep a list of which ACCS year 1 competencies you have achieved. It contains similar information to the excel file above. This is better for print out and keeping in one's bag as a paper record.

ACCS Common Competency sign off: The Common competencies for ACCS are a set of competencies that are required by all doctors, e.g. history and examination skills. These need to be evidenced at ARCP which can prove difficult. This form, produced by Rose Lefley allows the trainee and ES to record sign off of the common competencies.

EM cucciulum: A pdf file from the College of Emergency Medicine that details the ACCS year one requirements and contains forms for the WPBAs that can be printed off for use with non-electronic supervisors i.e. supervisors who don't have portfolio access or are ludites (not supervisors who are themselves electronic)


Other Useful Documents and Resources

Guidance on Trainee SPA: A document originally created and produced by the Sheffield CAT to help trainees ensure they had enough time to complete non-clinical portfolio activity

Clinical Supervisor form: A template form produced by the South TPDs to aid CS meetings

Wellbeing resources: An HEE produced document relating to websites, charities and groups that can help with wellbeing and doctors in difficulty

CCT Calculator: An excel file that helps with working out how much training time has occurred and what a trainees CCT MAY become if this all counts at ARCP

LLP registration: Registration form for the RCoA Lifelong Learning Platform registration

Nightingale working: A letter for all trainees who are considering working in the Harrogate Nightingale Hospital

Creating a Powerpoint presentation with a Voice Over: How did we prodcue such high quality videos for the Induction page? Wonder no more as this guide with plenty of screengrabs explains how to record a Powerpoint lecture, with audio and then convert it into a youtube video.


Useful Links

A list of links to useful third party sites:

Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA)

Faculty of Intensive Care

The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI)

Royal College of Emergency Medicine

ACCS Website

Royal College of Physicians (RCP)

British Medical Association

Health Education England (HEE)

Confederation of Postgraduate Medical Deans (COPMed)




Health Care Commission

Department of Health