Final FRCA School wide Exam orientated Teaching (Primarily for East/West Trainees)
Places are limited so booking is essential. Please register via
Final FRCA teaching is combined for the Leeds and Hull hubs, and largely provided by the Hull Hub. We aim to run exam courses before each sitting of the Final FRCA. South trainees are welcome to attend to, but will need to book as above.
The lead organisers for these teachings are:
1. Dr Rajesh Kasipandian for the Final FRCA preparation course at Hull (aimed at the March sitting of the Final FRCA written exam)
2. Dr Katie Ayyash and Dr James Knock for the Final FRCA preparation Course at York (aimed at the September sitting of the Final FRCA written Exam)
3. Dr Sarah Price for the Final FRCA SOE course at Hull (held twice a year aimed at the June and December sittings of the Final FRCA SOE exam)
4. Dr Patrick Knowles runs a course that is delivered over 12 weeks prior to each sitting of the Final FRCA. Places are limited to 10.
5. Dr Martyna Berwertz runs a course at Sheffield (held twice a year aimed at the June and December sittings of the Final FRCA SOE exam)
Final FRCA for December 2021 applicants
click on flyer to scan QR code to book
Hull Final FRCA Prep Course 2022