Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

ST5 (plus 6-7) Frequently asked questions

As the majority of trainees who are currently ST6 and ST7 will remain on the old curriculum until their CCT this section is more heavily weighted to ST5 trainees. Nevertheless, ST6 and 7 trainees should find answers to any of their questions here, or on the appendices and links on the previous page.



I am an ST5. Will I transition onto the new curriculum?
I have just transitioned on to the new Curriculum. All my previous doughnuts have disappeared. Where are my assessments?
How do we evidence previously completed units of training on the new curriculum?
I have completed Intermediate training and have my ILTC, what further evidence is required to complete Stage 2 beyond linking old evidence into the new domains?
Can we start linking evidence into Stage 3, eg. if doing tertiary paediatrics during ST5, prior to completing Stage 2?
Once I have finished my stage 2 gap analysis and have my certificate, can I start Stage 3?
Does my COVID ICU time count towards the 9/12 of ICU if I was a core trainee with only 6/12 ICU?
Who signs off the HALO forms for the gap analysis?
Who signs off the HALO forms once you progress to Stage 3?
Can my ES sign off the various domains without me having to upload all the evidence again?
Do I need to do anything about stage 1?
When do exams need to be completed?