Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Study Days

Once services are getting back to normal we will update this page.

Attached below is an annual overview of courses offered by YH ophthalmology in the past - there may be some alterations post covid, again we will endeavour to keep you updated via this page. Some events were compulsory for relevant grades which will have to be discussed with your ES or TPD in view of the current pandemic. 


Study Leave

Trainees are entitled to 10 days study leave per year. Expenses for approved study leave can be claimed back.

Getting study leave (SL) approved: For approval of SL from the school of ophthalmology it is required to submit a completed study leave request form (SL-A) to your local officer, which may be a college tutor or training programme director and arranging leave as per your local policy (so that commitments are appropriately covered).  This study leave request form should be submitted at least 6 weeks prior to the date requested for leave

SL approval: If approved, you will receive an email from the school with instructions on how to claim all your expenses after the study leave. 

Reimbursements of expenses: Receipts will be required and sometimes proof of attendance.  Claims for reimbursements (with all receipts) must be submitted within 28 days of the incurred expenses, failure to do so could result in claims for reimbursements being unsuccessful.  Claims for reimbursement can not be processed if the approved study leave request form has not been completed first.


SL abroad:  Requests for study leave abroad should be submitted in writing/email to the head of school. Approval will not cover all expenses, but will be a bursary. Further funding can be obtained by other sponsorship or award.

Local or compulsory study days:  These will be prioritised. It may be required to be presenting work at national or international meetings for approval to be given. Seek advice from your educational supervisor or college tutor when planning study leave.