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Yorkshire and Humber

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Recruitment FAQs

These are the most frequently asked questions about Yorkshire and the Humber Foundation School recruitment process. 


One or both of my referees have not submitted their references

It is the applicants responsibility to ensure referees are aware that they have been nominated to provide a reference by the deadline date.

Details of any missing references for applicants after the closing date will be passed onto the employing Trust to be collected in hard copy.

What are the competition ratios for all Units of Application (UoA)?

This information can be found in the UKFPO Applicants Handbook.

What are the competition ratios for the HEYH programmes?

It is difficult to obtain meaningful competition ratios for applicants allocated within HEE YH, as applicants rank the programmes based on many differing criteria including location and specialties.

Whilst we can see if applicants were allocated their first choice or their 100th, we do not have information on the other posts they ranked and in what order. It is worth noting that a large majority of applicants get their first choice of School and Programme. 

The 2016 recruitment statistics are availble on our Allocation Process page.

When will I be able to rank my programmes?

Once you have been allocated to HEE Yorkshire and the Humber UoA, had your group match confirmed (EY / SY / WY) and you know which Foundation School you have been allocated to, you can preference the programmes for that school.

Once notified of your Group / Foundation School allocation, you then have until 17:00pm on the 15th March 2017 to rank the programmes for that Group / Foundation School in order of preference.

On the 6th of April 2017 you will be able to log in to Oriel to see which programme in your Foundation School you have been allocated to.

Will I know what jobs I will be doing for both F1 and F2?

From 2014 onwards, the F1 and F2 posts will be linked. This means that applicants will know all six placements (three placements in F1 and F2) when ranking the programmes.


Will I need to attend an interview when applying for the Foundation Programme?

We no longer interview for the two-year Foundation Programme in Yorkshire and the Humber. Interviews will only be held for applications to the Academic Foundation Programme.

Will my linked application still be honoured when allocating to locations within Schools?

Linked applications within HEE Yorkshire and the Humber will be considered when allocating to geographical locations within schools. We will aim to match linked programmes within an hours travelling distance of each other, but cannot guarantee the same Trust in any Foundation School.

I studied outside the UK. How do I apply for Foundation posts and are there any F2 posts available?

Any vacancies at F2 level only come about if any exisiting trainees resign, go on maternity leave, resign or are otherwise unable to progress to the second year of the programme.

Due to the number of resignations received HEE Yorkshire and the Humber Foundation Schools will not be advertising any F2 LAT posts.

Please see NHS jobs / Trust websites for details of other UK Foundation Schools / Trusts who may be advertising F2 LAT posts.

Are there any vacancies?

Any F1 posts that remain vacant followiing the National Recruitment Process or F2 posts that become vacant due to resignations etc. will be advertised by the Trust in which the vacancy occurs.

Please note these will not be advertised as training posts and will only be open for applicants to apply who already hold full GMC registration.

These posts are genrally advertised via the BMJ Careers and NHS Jobs websites.

HEE Yorkshire and the Humber do not have a recruitment round for FY2 LAT posts.

Do I need to rank all programmes?

Once you have been allocated to HEE YH as your Unit of Application, you will then rank the HEE YH three foundation schools (groups) in order of preference.

Once allocated to a foundation school, you need to rank the programmes for that foundation school. (EY / WY / SY)

To give yourself the best opportunity of being allocated to a programme of your choice, it is advised that you rank all the programmes for that school.

I am an F1 Doctor working in the UK and I am interested in applying for F2 posts - how do I apply?

If you are currently working as an F1 Doctor in a UK Hospital, your local Foundation School will advise you on the local recruitment process.

F1 Doctors with special reasons for wishing to undertake their F2 year outside their local Foundation School may apply for an Inter- Foundation School Transfer (IFST).

If I attended an interview, how do I claim my travel expenses?

There will only be interviews for academic posts in HEE YH. Claims forms will be available on the day of interview.

My circumstances have changed. Can I change Foundation School?

If your personal circumstances have changed since you applied, or part-way through your training, you can apply for an inter-Foundation School transfer. Please note that the criteria for an inter-Foundation School transfer are very strict, and you must have relevant documentation to support your application.

The Inter-Foundation School Transfer (IFST) guidance can be found here .

Please cick here for the IFST Electronic Form.

Further information can be found on the UKFPO Resource Bank page.

Can I arrange shadowing at Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Trust?

Shadowing has now been replaced by a 6 weeks Student Assistantship Course. This is a mandatory course for University of Sheffield Graduates, but unfortunately we are unable to offer this to graduates from other universities. Further information can be obtained from the Medical school.

Can I arrange shadowing at Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust?

Shadowing at Leeds Teaching Hospitals is only available to Leeds University Graduates. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Medical School, or the Trust on