Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Search results

  1. Public Health - Training Placements

    ... approach to assessing the costs and benefits of air quality interventions that improve health: a case study.   BMJ Open ... T. (2013) Can action research strengthen district health management and improve health workforce performance? A research protocol.  ...

    Tony Blacker - 01/16/2019 - 10:38

  2. Training by Hospital

    ... ) our clinical lead runs a cross specialty leadership and management course for ST5+ twice a year (HELM course) - Simon Holbrook ( ... the trainees themselves but chaired by consultants/SpRs for quality assurance. All CTs are excused from clinical duties to attend. ICU also ...

    Anonymous (not verified) - 12/16/2022 - 10:47

  3. Hospitals on the Sheffield Radiology Rotation

    ... also has a day surgery unit, renal dialysis, a chronic pain management unit and a wide range of outpatient clinics. Montagu is the site of ... but busy department fit for purpose in delivering a high quality services to the hospital and community.  The department is funded for ...

    Tony Blacker - 02/02/2018 - 15:11

  4. West Yorkshire

    ... Reproductive Medicine Dr Julie Goddard Risk Management Lead, Intrapartum Care & Obstetric Training Dr Shona ... one of the largest teaching hospitals in Europe. It provides quality secondary care and specialist tertiary care for the population of ...

    Tony Blacker - 01/22/2018 - 14:14

  5. Sheffield: Life in Radiology

    ... approachable in the preparation for the FRCR 2B exam. The quality of the teaching was outstanding. I found the department of radiology in ... This provides a unique opportunity to undertake high quality research in Radiology and study for a higher degree. There is fantastic ...

    Tony Blacker - 05/18/2023 - 10:17