Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM).
Sub-specialty Training in Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) in HEYH
Applications are invited from candidates wishing to undertake a one year whole time equivalent Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) sub-specialty training programme in Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber.
The programme is aimed at doctors who are already undertaking higher specialist training in Emergency Medicine OR Paediatrics who wish in addition to complete a sub-specialty CCT in Paediatric Emergency Medicine.
Trainees will spend 6 months in Paediatric Emergency Medicine and 6 months completing placements including Paediatrics, Paediatric Anaesthesia and/or Paediatric Intensive Care. The trainee will maintain links with the base Emergency Department and continue to cover Emergency Medicine out of hours work during the 6 months of placements.