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Yorkshire and Humber

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Future Leaders Programme Recruitment
Vacancies for the 2024-25 Cohort

The vacancies listed on this page are for the 2024-25 cohort starting 7th August 2024. Applications open on 6th November and close at 4pm on 29th November 2023. The general eligibility requirements apply to all vacancies but some vacancies may be targetted at more specific staff groups. Please note the 'potential applicants' listed in the vacancy description.

Recruitment for each vacancy is lead by the host organisation. Applications should be sent to the applicant contact listed in the vacancy description. For full application instructions and to download an Application Form, please see FLP Recruitment Homepage. For more information about the programme please see the FLP Homepage:

Go to the FLP Recruitment Homepage or the FLP Homepage.  


- Bid 01 - The use of Emerging Technologies in GP Education.
- Bid 02 - Leadership fellow - Regional approaches to climate and health
- Bid 03 - Developing Adolescent Care in the Paediatric Emergency Department
- Bid 04 - GP School Leadership Fellow - Generalist Skills Expansion
- Bid 05 - Leadership Fellow - Specialty Teaching Quality Improvement
- Bid 06 - Future Leader - Medical Education
- Bid 07 - Leadership fellow - using research to improve outcomes for children and young people
- Bid 08 - Leadership Fellow - Aseptic Pharmacy Services Workforce Training and Standardisation Solutions
- Bid 09 - Leadership Fellow- Acute Surgical Care
- Bid 10 - Leadership Fellow - Developing a Safeguarding Adult Protection Pathway for Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
- Bid 11 - Leadership Fellow - Clinical Sustainability
- Bid 12 - PreP Well - Continuous Improvement Surgery in Children Programme
- Bid 13 - GP School Leadership Fellow: Levelling Up Patient Outcomes in Primary Care
- Bid 14 - Leadership Fellow – AI & VR integration in Emergency Care
- Bid 15 - Leadership Fellow- Project Development and Implementation Lead: LTHT Repository Peer Review Panel
- Bid 16 - Leadership Fellow - Interprofessional Education Development
- Bid 17 - Leadership Fellow - Organisational Improvement Culture
- Bid 19 - Differential Attainment
- Bid 20 - Trainee Engagament & Trainee Executive Forum Chair
- Bid 21 - Leadership Fellow to the Future Leaders Programme
- Bid 22 - Leadership Fellow in Cross-Risk Factors Approach to Health
- Bid 23 - SuppoRTT for International Medical Graduates
- Bid 24 - Leadership Fellow - Developing Primary Care GDP Fellowship Program
- Bid 25 - Sheffield Children's Hospital Leadership Fellow
- Bid 26 - Health related returns pathway Fellow
- Bid 27 - Leadership Fellow- Digital Innovation
- Bid 28 - Artificial Intelligence and Medicines Optimisation - Preparing the Pharmacy Workforce for a Future with AI
- Bid 29 - Leadership Fellow - Social Accountability
- Bid 30 - Leadership Fellow - Creative Health
- Bid 31 - Leadership Fellow - Regional Cancer Services Drugs and therapeutics (D&T) Pharmacist
- Bid 32 - Future Leaders Fellow: Innovation in Multi-professional Student Placements
- Bid 33 - Leadership Fellow- IRIS Continuous Improvement Fellow
- Bid 34 - Digital Clinical Leadership Fellow
- Bid 35 - Leadership Fellow - Foundation Expansion and the NHS Long-term Workforce Plan
- Bid 36 - Leadership Fellow - EMLeaders Local Expansion Project Y&H
- Bid 37- Clinical Leadership Fellow Improvement Academy
- Bid 38- Leadership fellow – Improvement Academy – Deterioration: the Impact of Safety Culture
- Bid 39 - Leadership Fellow – Improvement Academy: Real-world Clinical Use of AI
- Bid 40 - Leadership Fellow - Growing a diverse healthcare workforce: advancing disability inclusion and broader Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda
- Bid 41 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Fellow
- Bid 42 - Leadership Fellow -Quality & Safety, Humber & North Yorkshire (HNY) Local Maternity & Neonatal System (LMNS)
- Bid 43 - QI Leadership Fellow - Psychiatry

Bid 01 - The use of Emerging Technologies in GP Education.

Post reference: FLP2501 / Bid 01

Host organisation: Yorkshire and Humber GP School

Post location: Yorkshire and Humber- local offices

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This post will give the successful applicant and opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of AI and VR and how it can be used in GP Education.

Successful applicants will be spend the year looking at the use of AI in portfolio , reflection and diagnosis/decision making. They will also look at the use of VR in all areas of the GP school including induction, the teaching of consultation skills and exam preparation.

Opportunities will include working with specialist TPDs, attending local and national meetings, developing teaching and leadership skills and influencing GP School Guidelines.

 Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  10/12/2024

Bid 02 - Leadership fellow - Regional approaches to climate and health

Post reference: FLP2502 / Bid 02

Host organisation: School of Public Health Yorkshire and Humber

Post location: Leeds

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The climate emergency is a health emergency, already affecting people in their communities, particularly those less advantaged, which is worsening existing inequalities. Addressing climate change can benefit both health and the environment, and requires a comprehensive, health-centred response. Placing communities at the centre of climate action ensures local resilience while fostering a healthier planet.


The fellow will be based in the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), working at a regional level with key climate partners, including the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Change Commission. They will have the autonomy and opportunity to develop and lead their own project around climate and health; normalising, emphasising and raising the collective consciousness around its related narrative.


The fellow will work collaboratively in partnership with the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission and its wider system partners regionally. Whilst doing so they will be supported by an experienced public health consultant and supervisor, who will support the personal and professional development of the fellow.


This high-level and strategic piece of project work provides an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills across all domains of the Healthcare Leadership Model but especially around inspiring a shared purpose, sharing the vision, developing capability and influencing for results.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  11/12/2024

Bid 03 - Developing Adolescent Care in the Paediatric Emergency Department

Post reference: FLP2503 / Bid 03

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Developing Adolescent Care in the Paediatric Emergency Department

The successful applicant will have the opportunity to lead on a number of projects which aim to develop and improve the care and environment we provide to adolescents and young people who attend the PED.

The specific aims of the project include, but are not limited to the following, although we would encourage the successful applicant to also develop their own projects within this area.

To work collaboratively with the local CAMHS team and their inpatient unit, to ensure we offer a compassionate, safe and effective service when young people present with mental health related presentations.

To contribute to the Trust’s planning on managing young people with health needs who are transitioning to adult services, and how we design a patient centred approach to these patients when they require unplanned care.

To support a new community based charitable project aimed at teaching first aid to young people at risk of knife and gun crime.

In line with the RCPCH facing the future Standards for Emergency Care,to design and implement a specific adolescent friendly focussed area within the PED.


Opportunities for leadership development will include

Collaborate with key stakeholders across primary and secondary care including the Integrated Care Board (ICB), Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Tertiary Paediatric Services.

Attend regular management meetings within the Trust and ICB, and work alongside current senior leaders within LTHT to develop their own leadership style.

Develop a new community based education programme with other stakeholders including West Yorkshire Police and youth navigator workers to help reduce the increasing impact and burden of youth violence.


Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Dr Helen Mollard

Interview date:  12/12/2024

Bid 04 - GP School Leadership Fellow - Generalist Skills Expansion

Post reference: FLP 2504 / Bid 04

Host organisation: NHSE (WT&E) Yorkshire and the Humber GP School

Post location: Mainly home-based; office facilities will depend on trainee location and project needs

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR),Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to influence and improve the training of General Practice professionals in Yorkshire and the Humber. The core focus of the year is to develop leadership skills whilst undertaking a variety of projects related to the expansion of generalist skills (both generalist clinical skills and generalist behavioural skills) relating to curriculum delivery within the School, and coordinating this approach with similar work within other GP Schools nationally and non-GP Schools in the region. See accompanying job description for full details of potential projects, although these can be tailored to the candidate's interests.


It is expected that the successful candidate will work individually and collaboratively on projects aligned to their individual leadership development needs. The fellow will work directly with trainees, trainers and local administrators whilst also contributing to senior management teams within the School. The successful candidate will also liaise with other national bodies involved in the workforce and training strategies being implemented, including local Integrated Care Boards, the national NHSE Enhance team, the RCGP and Higher Education Institutes. The leadership experiences from the post will help prepare the fellow to become a medical leader; these experiences include self-awareness, team working, learning how to set strategy, managing change and resource management.


The fellow will participate in a wide range of additional activities throughout the year including recruitment, ARCP panels and representing the School at local, regional and national events. It is expected that the successful candidate will participate in the regional multi-professional Generalist School programmes, and will present their work at the annual RCGP Conference or equivalent. They will also be encouraged to take an active role in the Future Leaders Programme.


The successful candidate will be supported to complete a 1 year qualification tailored to their needs (e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Leadership or Medical Education or similar).


The fellow will have the freedom to self-motivate and work independently, whilst also having a close network of support from within the GP and Generalist Schools from the School Leads and Tutors as well as the wider NHSE network. There will be regular meetings to discuss project work, review progress, set objectives and review their personal development plan. They will report regularly to the GP School Senior Management committee.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  TBC

Bid 05 - Leadership Fellow - Specialty Teaching Quality Improvement

Post reference: FLP 2505 / Bid 05

Host organisation: NHS England - Yorkshire & Humber

Post location: Blenheim House, Leeds or Riverside, Rotherham.

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This Leadership Fellow post presents an exciting opportunity to work with the NHSE – Yorkshire & Humber Deanery’s Specialty Training Programmes directorate. GMC NTS feedback suggests the local and regional teaching offer is below the standards expected by our doctors and dentists in training. The project will focus on improving the quality of teaching. An initial piece of work will look to define the concerns. This will involve examining the NTS data as well as speaking to stakeholders. An action plan will then be designed and cascaded across schools, with particular focus on those which are identified as needing improvement. Part of this work will relate to the transition from the Blackboard teaching platform to Moodle planned for late 2025. A supplementary workstream will be ARCP quality improvement, which will continue as necessary any outstanding projects initiated by the current STP’s ARCP Leadership Fellow. The fellow will be welcomed as an integral member of the directorate. The successful appointee will collaborate closely with deputy dean, associate dean and business managers. Regular meetings with the fellow’s associate dean educational supervisor will provide support. The fellow will need to demonstrate compassionate leadership as they work with the directorate’s schools to understand differences between specialties in the approach to teaching and to implement positive changes. Success will be measured by future GMC NTS feedback.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Dr Andrew Brennan

Interview date:  TBC

Bid 06 - Future Leader - Medical Education

Post reference: FLP 2506 / Bid 06

Host organisation: The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Rotherham Hospital

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The Rotherham Foundation Trust wishes to offer a unique opportunity to an enthusiastic Health Care professional to work full time as a member of the Education Team and alongside the Executive Team.

This post, offered in collaboration with NHSE Yorkshire & the Humber and the University of Sheffield, will offer the successful applicant the opportunity to develop as a clinical leader and develop management skills in a 12 month out of programme opportunity.

They will be directly managed by the Associate Medical Director - Medical Education, Mr Alex Kocheta Clark and will have regular 1:1 opportunities during the year with the Medical Director, Dr Joanne Beahan.

They will also have the opportunity to shadow members of the Executive team across areas of their activities, to broaden knowledge of the challenges of working in an acute hospital.

The Future Leader will work with wider Medical Education Team on a number of projects including:

Trainee Wellbeing. Working with the trainees on their needs and what resources are available. Identify areas of concern, and working to provide solutions. Using the NHS’s People Plan to support and prompt a compassionate and inclusive culture. A key theme will be compassionate leadership with a focus on how to develop this and promote cultural change within a workplace. The concept of psychological safety goes alongside this.

Working with the Clinical Education Team to identify the needs and supporting a programme to 3 / 12 support International Medical Graduates.

Supporting the implementation and maintenance of Healthcare Toolbox within the Trust.

Capacity management for increasing student numbers. To include rotas, initiative placements and additional PIEs.

As well as:

Working with our non-medical colleagues to have a better use of resources as well as improving inter-professional training and working.

Working with the Trust Lead ACP to review ACP teaching and support within the Trust.

Alongside this, working with the Division of Medicine to increase the multi-professional workforce within medicine, as described in chapter 4 of The NHS Long Term Plan. 4 / 12 Designing and implementing a solution to increase Advanced Clinical Practitioners and Physician Associates within the team and to move away from a doctor led service.

As well as the projects outlined, further projects may be available to work with the Chief Executive/senior Exec team.

Depending on the background of the successful applicant, there may be an opportunity to work on project specific to their specialty or job role. This can be negotiated upon starting.

The Education Centre runs a large number of simulation training courses, the Future Leader will be expected to support simulation sessions from a clinical aspect as long as it is not detrimental to any of their own projects. The Future Leader will be involved in multi- professional learning scenarios and there may be the opportunity to design and deliver their own simulation session/course.

The Future Leader will be provided with a desk within Medical Education and a laptop to support working from home and attending meetings.

The Future Leader will be offered mentoring and coaching to support them during this role.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Debbie Harrison

Interview date:  TBC

Bid 07 - Leadership fellow - using research to improve outcomes for children and young people

Post reference: FLP 2507 / Bid 07

Host organisation: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

We are seeking a Leadership Fellow for an exciting opportunity to work collaboratively and innovatively with families, research teams, clinical teams and education with the purpose of identifying effective pathways by which to translate research findings to clinical practice. The role will focus on research pertaining to children and young people.


Bradford is truly a City of Research with over 60,000 Bradfordians involved in long term life course studies such as internationally recognised Born on Bradford (BiB) and the Age of Wonder projects. Large numbers of studies have been conducted using such epidemiological data, either locally or as part of international research studies. The research and clinical teams are keen to develop a better understanding of how effectively research is translated into clinical practice, barriers and facilitators, and how this can be developed.


The Children's Clinical Service Unit at Bradford offers a wide range of services to the children, young people and families of Bradford. Bradford is an exciting place to work and offers many opportunities to pilot and develop new and innovative ways of offering and delivering care. We have a strong ethos in holistic care and ensuring our people (families and staff) are valued and supported. We are committed to developing the clinical leaders for the future.


Our leadership fellow will be involved in:

- reviewing current practice regarding translation of research to clinical practice

- identify key research studies for translation to clinical practice

- identify effective pathways by which to support translation of studies

- identify innovative ways by which to disseminate research finding to stakeholders (including families)

- develop systems-wide mechanism by which to improve dissemination and translation of research


The Leadership Fellow will be supported and supervised by a team with a wealth of experience in leadership and innovation. There will be opportunities to develop their own leadership style, develop relationships across the local and regional systems and with regional and national organisations including, NHSE and the RCPCH, RCGP and RCP. The fellow will also link in with the Centre for Applied Education Research - chich is allied to BiB and has the vision of improving educational outcomes for children through research and innovation. The role will also provide opportunities to develop skills in research, patient safety, public and patient involvement and engagement, quality assurance and working collaboratively with stakeholders (including families).


There will be no expectation for the post holder to provide any clinical cover within this role.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Dr Sunil Bhopal

Interview date:  TBC

Bid 08 - Leadership Fellow - Aseptic Pharmacy Services Workforce Training and Standardisation Solutions

Post reference: FLP 2508 / Bid 08

Host organisation: NHS England SoPMO Workforce, Training and Education Directorate North East and Yorkshire

Post location: NHSE North East and Yorkshire Region (Yorkshire)

Potential Applicants: 

  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This Clinical Leadership Fellow (CLF) post is a unique opportunity to be involved with a project team aligned to the National Aseptic Review.

The candidate will be seconded from their own host organisation to the School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, with strong links to employers and regional specialist networks across the UK. They will be supported through a named Educational Supervisor, alongside support from other CLFs and Training Programme Directors.

A whole workforce approach has been identified to review, and standardise workforce solutions, training opportunities, career pathways, as well as creating a new technical services passport to support the technical services workforce.

The successful post-holder will have the opportunity to spend a year developing their leadership skills through working on an individual project aligned to this workstream, whilst undertaking a range of self development opportunities. The CLF will select a key area of focus relating to the gap analysis and solutions.

The CLF will be linked to one of the NHSE NEY local offices. Some travel may be expected across the North East and Yorkshire however study sessions and network groups may be online.

Job Description & Person Specification - BOTH NEED AMENDING

Application contact:

Interview date: TBC

Bid 09 - Leadership Fellow- Acute Surgical Care

Post reference: FLP 2508 / Bid 09

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Paramedics
  • Physiotherapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

In an ever-changing NHS celebrating its 76th year, never has the need for an improvement in the delivery of timely, high-quality patient care felt more pressing. To address this there has been national development of same day emergency care (SDEC) pathways, with recent guidelines published for acute surgical conditions (Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT), July 2023).

Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) is the busiest surgical unit in the country. It comprises over 200 surgical beds but these are predominantly occupied by emergency admissions, which adversely impacts the delivery of an efficient, elective service.

LTHT has established a dedicated Emergency General Surgery (EGS) service with development of multiple ambulatory pathways to avoid admission rates and improve the patient journey (FLP project, 2019/20). The proposed project for 2025/26 suggests focus on the next phase of delivery of acute surgical services, improving the service to help meet National Targets.

This role offers a fellow the opportunity to lead and champion a project relating to the delivery of acute surgical care. Within the project, there is potential to explore and adopt innovative changes and collaborate with the patient partner group.


Improve the management of acute surgical patients in an ambulant setting who would otherwise require admission.

Streamline the current processes and pathways.


Areas of suggested focus:

-Point of Care Testing (POCT) to provide timely diagnosis and treatment to improve the patient experience.

-Development of the Virtual Ward to help manage selected patient groups comfortably at home.

-Remote patient monitoring to identify potential issues and interventions early.

There is the potential to extend the scope of the project and facilitate collaboration at a multispecialty level.



- Develop professional skills and experience necessary to become an effective clinical leader within the healthcare organisation, on which to build a prosperous career and lead a successful team.

- Seek to address the current delivery of patient care and provide strategic direction to improve patient experiences and outcomes.

- Gain an understanding of the processes and drivers required for achieving sustainable change.

- Have an awareness of the National programmes providing evidence-based research and system-level data, with an opportunity to implement and embed this into best practice. These include: GIRFT, Model Health System (MHS), Reducing Length of Stay (RLoS), Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC).

- Network with key stakeholders to share best practice and reduce unwanted variation.


There will be fortnightly meetings with your supervisor throughout the fellowship, to support personal and professional development and to facilitate discussions throughout the project advancement.

There are multiple opportunities for personal development within this role to become a Clinical Leader and Champion for change. These are available on both a local and national scale, with the opportunity to engage with NHS England Elective and Emergency Care directorate.


-Explore and understand the current delivery of acute surgical services.

-Work alongside system leaders, frontline staff, patients and key stakeholders.

-Network with other acute units to share best practice.

-Understand and apply QI .Methodology and Lean Teachings.

-Opportunity to work as part of a team developing and leading a workstream. Includes chance to present progress in monthly Board meetings.

-Observe regular Trust meetings involving collaborative working of Senior Leaders.



-Attend Regional NHSE meetings with Educational Supervisor



-Engage in system-wide approach of existing national workstreams.

-Encourage participation in the Future NHS Collaboration Platform to review SDEC pathways.

-Opportunity to share learnings and present at National Conferences (ASGBI, AUGIS, ACPGBI)


Additional personal development features:

Honing of team-working skills in a diverse LTHT CLF team. The LTHT cohort of fellows form a unique team as aspiring leaders and critical friends, where they can, in a safe space, learn to lead together across their professional backgrounds. The team environment facilitates peer learning opportunities and the development of high-level leadership skills. LTHT CLFs are encouraged to be curious, fail-fast and be their authentic self.

Advancement in reflective practice - CLFs are encouraged to write a leadership journal of reflections and insights into personal growth gained from mentoring, supervision, and coaching.

Shadowing senior Trust leaders to gain insight into their leadership journeys.

Experience in organising conferences - the Junior Doctor’s and Dentist’s Awards, Allied Health Professional’s Day, Advanced Care Practitioner’s week.

Working within the Leeds Way Values to become an inclusive, compassionate leader and role model for future CLFs and colleagues

Additional support

Peer support and role modelling from CLF alumni and the LTHT ‘Chief’ Registrars.

Post CLF year sponsorships for non-medical CLFs as they return to their usual place of work.

Involvement with non-medical Fellowship Leader Programme network.

Mentorship from the Medical Director for Improvement.

Improved understanding of the structure and leadership of a large teaching hospital

Attend meetings of the board, governance, risk management, quality assurance and operations.

Shadowing senior Trust leaders to experience the management structure of a large teaching hospital.

Additional courses / conferences and skills development opportunities:

Leeds Continuous Improvement Method (LIM) [Foundation and Intermediate] enabling the fellow to provide Improvement training and coaching to others.

Contribute to improvement collaboratives and large-scale events and gain understanding into deep rooted problems and how improvement work is scaled up across a large organisation.

Improved understanding of risk and governance with opportunities for involvement in patient safety incident reporting framework.

Attendance at the LTHT AQUIRE (Audit, QUality, Innovation, Research and Education) conference, which promotes collaboration between domains.

Work with an award-winning quality partner volunteer programme utilising the patient voice to support improvement and tackle health inequalities.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson (

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 10 - Leadership Fellow - Developing a Safeguarding Adult Protection Pathway for Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust

Post reference: FLP 2510 / Bid 10

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The post- holder will:

•support the Adult safeguarding services to create and implement a Safeguarding Adult Protection Pathway with Forensic Medical guidance

•promote safe, effective clinical practice, like a Child Protection Medical, to address when harm or abuse is thought to have occurred to an adult with existing care and support needs.

•work with patients to improve patient experience with expert clinical assessment skills and appropriate escalation and referral

•tackle Health Inequalities by prioritising most at risk patients (e.g. Learning disabilities and autism, mental health, older people) for a gold standard care pathway


The project will involve:

Specific – designing clear guidance for clinicians to holistically assess, investigate and treat adults who may have been abused or harmed, and are unable to communicate their own clinical history independently.

Measurable – implementing the pathway across the Trust via the policy and procedures network.

Achievable - using existing pathways, evolving evidence based national research and quality improvement processes.

Realistic – adults with care and support needs living with communication challenges, may be unable to give a collateral history of events leading to their admission. Using the guidance, clinicians must holistically assess and will be guided to early recognition of potential safeguarding incidents and decide if there is a potential criminal process.

Time –12 months is perceived to be sufficient to collate existing research, receive training, liaise with relevant partners to implement this pathway


The post holder will:

- receive an induction in line with LTHT mandatory requirements and a local induction in relation to safeguarding.

- work with the Lead Professionals for Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding (Adult) advisors, and expert clinicians from LTHT Clinical Service Units (CSU).

- establish links or enhance existing networks with external agencies such as Adult Social Care, West Yorkshire Police, Coroners and potentially the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal college of Physicians

- have the opportunity to shadow emergency department/acute medical staff and pilot the pathway


The post holder will have the following support:

- receive excellent supervision to enhance development using existing and established formats in safeguarding to allow opportunities for learning and reflection

- access all relevant training opportunities offered internally, locally or nationally.

- line management by the Lead Professionals for Safeguarding Adults will be offered initially on a daily contact basis and thereafter an agreed period of time in accordance with the needs of the post holder allowing autonomous working with clear boundaries.

- opportunity for feedback and evaluation of the project following opportunities to present this at internal forums and external organisations such as Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board


Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 11 - Leadership Fellow - Clinical Sustainability

Post reference: FLP 2511 / Bid 11

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The CLF aim is to join the Lean2Green team (clinicians, improvement specialists and sustainability experts) with the goal of achieving ‘Net zero’.

The future leader will:

•Lead project work in one of the Trust Value streams- Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. There are multiple projects that require clinical knowledge and support to scale-up and spread across the organisation. E.g. Rationalising surgical equipment use, implementing re-usable PPE recycling appropriate medical equipment.

•Complete training in Leeds Improvement Methodology and Carbon literacy

•Join the Lean2green Team:

•Regular exec level meetings

•Public Board meetings

•Promote and support the Greener Care commitment.

•Collaborate with CSU sustainability teams

The CLF will meet their ES every 2-3 weeks and will report at the weekly Lean2Green meetings.


The Leeds Improvement Method underpins the Trusts strategic vision and goals. It is based on improvement concepts from the Toyota production system and the Virginia Mason Institute. Use of the methodology has seen improvements in numerous large-scale projects focused on the Trust’s annual strategic commitments. As an organisation with over 22,000 employees and a large medical workforce that rotate between different Trusts, it is an ongoing priority to continuously embed the methodology at all levels and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of NHS healthcare.


The fellow will develop their knowledge of the organisational structure and systems thinking to create a strategic approach to spreading and developing improvement capability and culture across the organisation. Cultural change requires collaborative working across professional boundaries and innovative solutions to result in improvement. For the CLF to be able to tackle these, they will develop skills in collaborative leadership, influencing and systems thinking. They will develop innovative thinking, find new and inspiring ways to engage professionals at all levels and seek to understand the barriers to improvement. The fellow will be supported by senior leaders such as the Medical Director of Improvement, and the Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO).


The fellow will have autonomy to adapt and expand projects linked to their needs. The CLF will undertake their project whilst learning and implementing improvement methodology, using data to drive change and trialling small changes which can be scaled up to lead to sustainable change.'

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 12 - PreP Well - Continuous Improvement Surgery in Children Programme

Post Reference: FLP2512 / Bid 12

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Aim: Well Prepared Child; Well prepared Staff; Well prepared Organisation and Networks

Outline of proposal:

This proposal outlines potential improvements for children’s surgery journey. It provides the opportunity to lead change for a specific process whilst understanding the larger process of how a tertiary organisation works with internal and external partners.

It aims to develop patient centred care and improve the patient experience for our current population. The current on the day cancellation for children’s surgery is approximately 10%. The fellowship aims to improve pathways to reduce the on the day cancellations, improve patient and staff experience, improve theatre efficiency and create the foundations for sustainable service improvement. The foundation for this work will embed the Leeds Improvement Method and the fellow will be grounded in the future leaders core strategy and principles.

Focused on improving the patient journey and experience, the project aligns with the organisation’s commitment to ensure timeliness of care and using existing digital tools for clinical impact. The fellow will have the opportunity to understand the principles of digital transformation and the associated governance and safety considerations.


High Level Patient Journey with associated projects at each stage from which the fellow can choose:

Outreach clinics Project

1. Timely operation at suitable site

2. Investigations closer to home

3. Information transfer from secondary to tertiary care

4. Work with Yorkshire operational Delivery Networks


Preoperative Assessment Project

1. Delivery of perioperative assessment to all children before surgery

2. Parental support education and engagement

3. Actioning blood results pathway

4. Development of perioperative pathways e.g. anxious child, learning difficulties and autism, anaemia, Vitamin D


Surgical admissions planning Project

1. Day surgery Arrival Process

2. Liaison with OT, physiotherapists pre-operatively to plan discharge

3. Staggered admission

4. Length of times patient wait

5. Patient experience and environment


Theatre Escort Project

1. Review of handover from day case ward

2. Portering premedicated patients

3. Review of Handover to Theatres

4. Patient experience


Theatre Project

1. Fast Track lists

2. Starting on Time

3. Optimise Theatre utilisation


PACU Project

1. Review patient flow from theatre to ward

2. Reuniting parent and child

3. Discharge planning Project

4. MDT discharge planning with OT, Physio

5. Criteria/Nurse led discharge


In the first week the clinical and educational supervisors, lead clinician and clinical director will meet with the fellow, introduce them to other team members and agree on project proposals and outcome.


A team of 3 consultants with a special interest in children’s pre-assessment will offer support and supervision, through weekly informal meetings. The Fellow will also meet with the Education Supervisor & Mentor every 2-3 weeks to discuss progress and feedback.

The Lead Clinician in Paediatric Anaesthesia and the Clinical Director in Anaesthesia will also meet with the fellow every month, to support progress with project.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 13 - GP School Leadership Fellow: Levelling Up Patient Outcomes in Primary Care

Post Reference: FLP2513 / Bid 13

Host organisation: GP School Yorkshire and Humber (NHSE)

Post location: GP School Yorkshire and Humber: scope for hybrid of remote working and office based (Leeds) as needed

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Primary care practices in more deprived areas can find it challenging to perform highly on patient clinical outcome measures and ratings associated with this such as CQC Effectiveness ratings. This Leadership Fellow post will look at evidence around associations of deprivation and patient clinical outcome measures and rating to better understand how some practices overcome these challenges, to spread good practice across 'Deep End' (deprived) GP practices in Yorkshire and Humber.

Potential projects may include:

-Reviewing CQC reports regarding Effectiveness ratings for deprived practices in Y&H to better understanding associations between deprivation and patient clinical outcomes

-Develop networks and collaborate with stakeholders such as Fairhealth, community, secondary and third sector organisations to help understand better which strategies support improvements to clinical primary care patient outcomes

-Develop resources including educational resources for Deep End GP surgeries in Y&H to support them address patient clinical outcome challenges

-Help develop and run educational sessions for wider GP and practice networks (e.g. Y&H Summer

Schools, GP Trainer workshops) to disseminate learning around barriers and enablers to address health inequalities in primary care clinical patient outcomes

-Work with Senior Management Team (SMT) educational leaders at Y&H HEE to develop resources for GP trainees to educate the next generation of GPs about how to support improvements in clinical patient outcomes in deprived communities

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  10/12/2024

Bid 14 - Leadership Fellow – AI & VR integration in Emergency Care
Post Reference: FLP2513 / Bid 14

Host organisation: GP School Yorkshire and Humber (NHSE)

Post location: GP School Yorkshire and Humber: scope for hybrid of remote working and office based (Leeds) as needed

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Primary care practices in more deprived areas can find it challenging to perform highly on patient clinical outcome measures and ratings associated with this such as CQC Effectiveness ratings. This Leadership Fellow post will look at evidence around associations of deprivation and patient clinical outcome measures and rating to better understand how some practices overcome these challenges, to spread good practice across 'Deep End' (deprived) GP practices in Yorkshire and Humber.

Potential projects may include:

-Reviewing CQC reports regarding Effectiveness ratings for deprived practices in Y&H to better understanding associations between deprivation and patient clinical outcomes

-Develop networks and collaborate with stakeholders such as Fairhealth, community, secondary and third sector organisations to help understand better which strategies support improvements to clinical primary care patient outcomes

-Develop resources including educational resources for Deep End GP surgeries in Y&H to support them address patient clinical outcome challenges

-Help develop and run educational sessions for wider GP and practice networks (e.g. Y&H Summer

Schools, GP Trainer workshops) to disseminate learning around barriers and enablers to address health inequalities in primary care clinical patient outcomes

-Work with Senior Management Team (SMT) educational leaders at Y&H HEE to develop resources for GP trainees to educate the next generation of GPs about how to support improvements in clinical patient outcomes in deprived communities

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  10/12/2024

Bid 15 - Leadership Fellow- Project Development and Implementation Lead: LTHT Repository Peer Review Panel
Post Reference: FLP2515 / Bid 15

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This fellowship will align with the multi-professional improvement project of the creation of a Research Careers Development Office (RCDO). The Research and Innovation (R&I) team, Library and Knowledge Services (LKS), Kaiser Promotion Office (KPO) team, the Audit team and Medical Education team are in the process of establishing a Repository to house the publication output by LTHT staff. We expect that all our current peer reviewed publications will be lodged within the Repository. However, there is a desire from both strategic and operational directions within LTHT that we publish the outputs and share impact of audit, improvement and small research projects, maximising the impact of sharing and learning gained from such work. The Repository would meet this need, however in order to assure good quality, robustness and authenticity of potential ‘internal’ publication submissions, it is essential to establish a clear, robust, fair and kind peer review process that will support authors to produce the best possible quality publication ( an important strand within the LTHT learning, education and training strategy). The resulting process will: support and develop our staff, open a window to the world displaying the excellent work that improves patient care produced by our staff.


Aim of the year:

Lead the project development, planning, implementation and establishment of a peer review panel that meets the needs of: the Repository profile, LTHT potential authors, LTHT peer reviewers.


Expectations/Objectives of the post:

To understand the requirements and expectations of the key stake holders: LKS, R&I, Repository Board, RCDO, KPO, Audit team, potential authors, potential publication peer reviewers.

Understand the requirements and processes of academic publication peer review.

In collaboration with stakeholders, create a peer review process that aligns with the Repository Board practice.

To create a team of peer reviewers that meet specific requirements.

Embed the Leeds Way Values into the peer review process.

Be an active promoter of the Repository across the Trust, building awareness and positive energy to the project.


The leadership fellow will be supported in the following ways:

Jointly managed and supported within the LKS and the R&I CSU. With specific operational and leadership guidance from the two Repository development leads (DR and BT).

Initial assessment of project, individual development needs and career plan.

Weekly mentorship, coaching, reflexive progress report meetings with DR and BT.

Embedded within the RCDO team.

Embedded within the LKS services teams.

Exposure to how the R&I team function by regular attendance at: Senior Management Team meetings, Research delivery forum, R&I Management Group, R&I QI forum.

Exposure to the Library and Knowledge Services (LKS) functionality through attendance at team meetings and participation in a range of outreach and training activities. Expert support to develop understanding the role of NHS LKS in supporting research and improvement.

Exposure to the wider education teams and elements of the LTHT Learning, Education and Training strategy.

Exposure to senior leadership structures and processes in the trust, e.g. Chief Medical Officer’s team, Executive team etc.


Unique development opportunities within the supervising team:

Enablement and development to work using a critical thinking, reflexive, problem solving approach. They will gain a strong and important understanding of the importance of the dissemination of research and improvement outputs. The unique opportunities of working within the R&I and LKS teams ensures the prospect of exposure and education in the ability to underpin their work and methodology with strong evidence base and research science.


They will be supported to develop their ability to work autonomously and to communicate and collaborate sensitively and respectively across the breadth of LTHT, ranging from: executive board, senior consultant, first time inexperienced authors, improvement project teams, strategic improvement/development teams.


Additional personal development features:

Honing of team working skills in a diverse LTHT CLF team. The LTHT cohort of fellows form a unique team as aspiring leaders and critical friends, where they can, in a safe space, learn to lead together across their professional backgrounds. The team environment facilitates peer learning opportunities and the development of high-level leadership skills. LTHT CLFs are encouraged to be curious, fail fast and be their authentic self.

Advancement in reflective practice - CLFs are encouraged to write a leadership journal of reflections and insights into personal growth gained from mentoring, supervision and coaching

Shadowing senior trust leaders to gain insight into their leadership journeys

Experience in organising conferences - the junior doctor’s and dentist’s awards, Allied Health Professional’s Day, Advanced Care Practitioner’s week

Working within the Leeds Way Values to become an inclusive, compassionate leader and role model for future CLFs and colleagues


Additional support:

Peer support and role modelling from CLF alumni and the LTHT ‘chief’ registrars.

Post CLF year sponsorships for non-medical CLFs as they return to their usual place of work.

Involvement with the non-medical Fellowship Leader Programme network.

Mentorship from the Medical Director for Improvement.

Improved understanding of the structure and leadership of a large teaching hospital.

Attend meetings of the board, governance, risk management, quality assurance and operations.

Shadowing senior trust leaders to experience the management structure of a large teaching hospital.



Additional courses / conferences and skills development opportunities:

Leeds Continuous Improvement Method (LIM) [Foundation and Intermediate] enabling the fellow to provide Improvement training and coaching to others.

Contribute to improvement collaboratives and large-scale events and gain understanding into deep rooted problems and how improvement work is scaled up across a large organisation.

Improved understanding of risk and governance with opportunities for involvement in patient safety incident reporting framework.

Attendance at the LTHT AQUIRE (Audit, Quality, Innovation, Research and Education) conference which promotes collaboration between domains.

Work with an award-winning quality partner volunteer programme utilising the patient voice to support improvement and tackle health inequalities.



Quote from 2024 fellow:

"The opportunity to connect with senior leaders beyond a "surface level" has been incredibly valuable. I've learned what truly matters to them, what has shaped their success in leadership, and gained their unique and honest reflections on current challenges in health leadership".

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 16 - Leadership Fellow - Interprofessional Education Development
Post Reference: FLP2516 / Bid 16

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This specific project offers an opportunity to innovate and integrate interprofessional education for the medical, MAPS and Advanced Practice workforces across LTHT. The fellow will need to scope and consider approaches for shared education, learning from other professions and networking. The project will consider the potential opportunities to develop a programme together, alongside the value of a shared forum to build relationships and understanding, reducing workforce tensions.



To enhance interprofessional learning and team working culture, improving workforce integration.

To improve the provision of CPD for these staff groups.

To reduce duplication of education provision.

To gain better understanding and insights to each other’s roles and their role within the clinical team.

To optimise the strength of a diverse workforce and learn from each other’s different perspectives.

Reduce incivility.


The fellow will explore the education and CPD needs of the diverse groups of junior medical staff, MAPs and ACPs, liaising with workforce leads within LTHT and across the WYAAT organisations. They will consider educational approaches alongside the value and impact of forums, communities of practice and networks to promote interprofessional education and improve workforce integration.

This project contributes to the 7 annual commitments, aiming to improve staff retention by providing education for personal development and networking opportunities. It will also contribute to the innovation commitment by developing new ways to learn together as a transformative workforce which may in turn contribute to further research outcomes regarding the workforce benefits.

The project aligns with the LTHT Education Strategy, the APMAP Strategy and the Long-Term Workforce Plan giving the CLF multiple opportunities to implement strategy and policy within clinical practice.

This project provides the opportunity to lead across professional boundaries and the healthcare system. It is especially challenging due to the complexity and diversity of the medical, AP and MAPs workforces alongside the need for multi-agency partnership working.

The project will require significant leadership skills to drive and deliver, including extensive stakeholder management, influencing and negotiation skills, collaborating across LTHT and the system.


The fellow will be supported by their supervisors to identify and access key leaders and stakeholders including HEIs, medical and professional education teams as needed. The fellow will have regular supervisor contact and supervisor meetings to review and discuss aspects of the project. The supervisor will act as a conduit to support connections and facilitate the CLF to develop their leadership skills within LTHT and across the system whilst promoting the CLF to own and direct the project.


The CLF will work with junior doctors, APs and MAPs within the organisation, all professional leads including the Trust Lead PA, Organisational Lead Advanced Practitioner, Associate Medical Director for Workforce, General Manager for the Medical Directorate, and the Deputy CMO who is close to this work. There will also be opportunities to develop system leadership skills by working alongside relevant NHSE personnel, the NEY Advancing Practice Faculty, leaders for these workforces across the WYAAT organisations and ICB workforce transformation leaders.


The project will give the CLF autonomy to develop their own leadership style, apply learning from academia and access key senior leaders and senior management to evolve their own leadership skills and enhance their leadership journey. The CLF will be encouraged to link with LETC and the APMAP Steering Group specifically, engaging members and relevant stakeholders to support the development of this work. This is a multi-professional role with a huge opportunity for inter-disciplinary learning.

This is a great opportunity for a CLF to achieve exposure to strategic leadership, systems thinking and continuous improvement, influencing interprofessional education and workforce integration across LTHT and networking with professional leaders.


Additional personal development features:

The LTHT cohort of fellows form a unique team as aspiring leaders and critical friends, where they can, in a safe space, learn to lead together across their professional backgrounds. The team environment facilitates peer learning opportunities and the development of high-level leadership skills. LTHT CLFs are encouraged to be curious, fail fast and be their authentic self.

Advancement in reflective practice - CLFs are encouraged to write a leadership journal of reflections and insights into personal growth gained from mentoring, supervision and coaching.

Experience in organising conferences - the junior doctor’s and dentist’s awards, Allied Health Professional’s Day, Advanced Care Practitioner’s week.

Working within the Leeds Way Values to become an inclusive, compassionate leader and role model for future CLFs and colleagues.


Additional support:

Peer support and role modelling from CLF alumni and the LTHT ‘chief’ registrars.

Post CLF year sponsorships for non-medical CLFs as they return to their usual place of work.

Involvement with the non-medical Fellowship Leader Programme network.

Mentorship from the Medical Director for Improvement.

Improved understanding of the structure and leadership of a large teaching hospital.

Attend meetings of the board, governance, risk management, quality assurance and operations.

Shadowing senior trust leaders to experience the management structure of a large teaching hospital.


Additional courses / conferences and skills development opportunities:

Leeds Continuous Improvement Method (LIM) [Foundation and Intermediate] enabling the fellow to provide Improvement training and coaching to others.

Contribute to improvement collaboratives and large-scale events and gain understanding into deep rooted problems and how improvement work is scaled up across a large organisation.

Improved understanding of risk and governance with opportunities for involvement in patient safety incident reporting framework.

Attendance at the LTHT AQUIRE (Audit, Quality, Innovation, Research and Education) conference which promotes collaboration between domains.

Work with an award-winning quality partner volunteer programme utilising the patient voice to support improvement and tackle health inequalities.


Quote from 2024 fellow:

The opportunity to connect with senior leaders beyond a "surface level" has been incredibly valuable. I've learned what truly matters to them, what has shaped their success in leadership, and gained their unique and honest reflections on current challenges in health leadership.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 17 - Leadership Fellow - Organisational Improvement Culture
Post Reference: FLP2517 / Bid 17

Host organisation: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

An opportunity exists for a Clinical Leadership Fellow (CLF) to develop their leadership skills and improve their knowledge of an organisation whilst embedding a culture of improvement across a large Teaching Hospital NHS Trust. The CLF will develop personally and professionally to become an expert in the Leeds Improvement Method (LIM) creating innovative ways to embed the methodology across all professional groups in the organisation, with a specific focus on Medical Education.

As an organisation with over 22,000 employee’s and a large medical workforce that rotate between different Trusts, it is an ongoing priority to continuously embed the methodology at all levels and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of NHS healthcare.

The fellow will develop their knowledge of the organisational structure and systems thinking to create a strategic approach to spreading and developing improvement capability and culture across the organisation. Cultural change requires collaborative working across professional boundaries and innovative solutions to result in improvement. For the CLF to be able to tackle these, they will develop skills in collaborative leadership, influencing and systems thinking. They will develop innovative thinking, find new and inspiring ways to engage professionals at all levels and seek to understand the barriers to improvement. The fellow will be supported by senior leaders such as the Medical Director of Improvement, and Lead for Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO).


The fellow will have autonomy to adapt and expand projects linked to their needs. The CLF will undertake their project whilst learning and implementing improvement methodology, using data to drive change and trialling small changes which can be scaled up to lead to sustainable change.


Objectives of the post:

-Increase improvement capability across the organisation through innovation, events, teaching and coaching.

-Collect and understand baseline data around engagement in LIM activities across the organisation to establish areas where uptake is low to demonstrate an increase after using a PDSA approach to improvement.

-Develop own knowledge and skills to become an expert and leader in LIM, enabling, teaching and coaching others in the methodology within the first 6 months of fellowship.

-Engage with senior leaders across the Trust to understand barriers and to support development and implementation of solutions to embedding LIM.

-Develop systems thinking by leading and collaborating with patient partners and frontline staff to create packages of learning to engage and embed LIM widely across the organisation.

-Shadow the KPO lead at monthly executive, board and regional improvement meetings to aid developing personal networks of contacts to help facilitate improvement and shared learning across multiple NHS boundaries

-Develop skills in a team lead role for multidisciplinary Improvement events organisation wide (Rapid Process Improvement Workshops).

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Elaine Robinson

Interview date:  16/12/2024




Bid 22 - Leadership Fellow in Cross-Risk Factors Approach to Health
Post Reference: FLP2522 / Bid 22

Host organisation: School of Public Health Yorkshire and Humber, NHS England

Post location: Remote, with some travel to the office in Leeds and elsewhere

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Commercial determinants of health (CDOH) describe how industry affects health, including harm from consuming tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy food, and from gambling and fossil fuel industries. Health inequalities are exacerbated as more deprived communities experience the most related harm. This post’s aim (alongside the Fellow's development) is to improve population health and reduce health inequalities by increasing understanding of, and drive collaborative action to address, CDOH across the health and care system regionally and nationally.


In the context of new and emerging work programmes considering how commercial entities affect health, the Fellow will scale-up work strategically between places and regions and nationally to approach risk factor prevention in combination.


The Fellow will collaborate with regional and national stakeholders: ICSs, NHS England, local and regional government (including the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities), ADsPH, academia, and VCSEs e.g. ASH. The Fellow may work locally with communities to engage the public on related issues. They will work with senior leaders, and represent the region at high-level meetings.


The Fellow will be supported in their autonomy over project details, but potential outputs are likely to include materials and resources that support evidence based action, contributions to research, and driving progress on cross organisational activities where there are opportunities for collaboration.

Job Description  (Person Spec to be added) 

Application contact:

Interview date:  17/12/2024

Bid 23 - SuppoRTT for International Medical Graduates
Post Reference: FLP2523 / Bid 23

Host organisation: NHSE WTE YH

Post location: Leeds or Rotherham

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Do you want to make a difference and support International Medical graduates (IMGs) new to the NHS embed into life in the UK and in NHS training more seemlessly?

International Medical Graduates form a significant part of the NHS workforce. The GMC, BMA, and Royal Colleges acknowledge the need for better support for IMGs entering the NHS. Since 2020, IMG trainees in Yorkshire and Humber have benefited from the Supported Return to Training Programme (SuppoRTT). However, there are still gaps in educators understanding of the needs of IMGs new to the NHS and there is still room for all Trusts and specialty schools to improve the support available to IMGs across the region. This one-year leadership post is a 100% non clinical post and offers the individual the opportunity to make meaningful change in this area and includes the opportunity for regular 1:1 supervision with 1 of 2 Associate Deans, involvement in a regional conference, national meetings and includes a PGcert of the future leaders choice.

Projects from previous years have included, communication course for IMGs, podcasts outlining challenges for commencing training as an IMG, virtual networking sessions , welcomING form and involvement in enhanced inductions for IMGs.

This will be an exciting opportunity for growth and personal development in leadership working with senior educators enabling the shaping of future initiatives, addressing the emerging needs of the IMG community and making a tangible difference to IMGs.

Job Description - (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  16/12/2024

Bid 24 - Leadership Fellow - Developing Primary Care GDP Fellowship Program
Post Reference: FLP2524 / Bid 24

Host organisation: WTE NHSE Dental Directorate Yorkshire and Humber

Post location: Yorkshire and Humber

Potential Applicants: 

  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2024

This is a one-year leadership post (flexible training options are possible, e.g., half time over two years) based in Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber (HEE YH). It is one of several Fellowships created under HEE Yorkshire and Humber. If applicable, you will be seconded on an OOPE (out of programme experience) from your speciality training programme or clinical training post. You will develop your leadership skills by networking across the region and beyond, undertaking discreet projects engaging with local and national stakeholders. The Fellowship will be aligned to the framework set out in the Healthcare Leadership Model.The GDP Fellowship program is being launched from September 2024 as a pilot program designed to support primary care GDP development over a draft 5-year program. The Fellowship program has been designed to provide flexibility in career pathways, with the aim to support clinicians working within primary care NHS dental services to enhance skills in both clinical and non-clinical domains. After the 5-year program it is expected that GDP Fellows will have attained the necessary skills to support the deployment of commissioning Level 2 services in a variety of specialities, based on both local population needs and the needs for career development of the NHS GDP. The GDP Fellowship program is being supported, through collaboration by both WTE NHSE Yorkshire and Humber and local ICB’s, with the evaluation of the program being reported directly to the DHSC.


This post will be focused on reviewing current dental training pathways offered in Yorkshire and Humber and how pathways could be developed/adapted to support the GDP Fellowship program. The successful applicant will work with both Educational leads (WTE NHSE) and key stake holders (Humber and North Yorkshire ICB) in the development and eventual evaluation of the GDP Fellowship program, with the aim to provide transferrable outcomes from both existing WTE NHSE training pathways and the GDP Fellowship program.


It is anticpated that the GDP Fellowship program would not only support the practical day-to-day support and development of NHS GDPs, but potentially develop and inform flexible training pathways leading to the commissioning of Level 2/3 level services in primary dental care.

Job Description - (Person Spec to be added)AMENDING 

Application contact:

Interview date:  12/09/2024

Bid 25 - Sheffield Children's Hospital Leadership Fellow
Post Reference: FLP2525 / Bid 25

Host organisation: Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is one of only three dedicated paediatric hospitals in the country and we wish to offer a unique opportunity to work as part of the Medical Education Team alongside the Trust’s Senior Leadership team, including the Medical Director, Deputy Medical Director, and Director for Postgraduate Education.


The post holder can choose to work on a number of local projects including developing education and research skills, a QIP based around the “Improving the Working Lives of Doctors in Training” NHSE paper, work with our Health Inequalities Team around the disproportionate impact health inequalities has on the health of children and young people, and develop and implement paired learning for Senior Postgraduate Doctors with operational/management colleagues to gain valuable management experience and insights.


The Post Holder will be expected to attend and update the Medical Education Committee on their work and will be invited to attend education and executive meetings as appropriate. This will give wide ranging exposure to leadership and management aspects in the NHS.


The Trust will provide access to any in-house Leadership Development Programmes available.


The successful candidate will have a named supervisor for this post. They will also have the opportunity to shadow members of the Executive Team across areas of their activities, to broaden knowledge of the challenges of working in a Children’s Hospital. Specific projects will be supported by an identified Lead.

Job Description & Person Specification - BOTH NEED AMENDING

Application contact: Dr Priya Narula -

Interview date:  18/12/2024

Bid 26 - Health related returns pathway Fellow
Post Reference: FLP2526 / Bid 26

Host organisation: NHSE WTE YH

Post location: Leeds

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Are you passionate about improving the experience of Postgraduate Doctors, Dentists, and Public Health Practitioners in Training (PGDiTs) returning to training with complex needs?


The successful candidate will build on the work of previous fellows to develop a strategy which meets the requirements of trainees with complex needs returning to training. The aim will be an equitable regionwide process which will be applied across all trusts.


This is a one-year non-clinical role and offers the individual the opportunity to make meaningful change in this area and includes a PGCert of the future leaders choice.


This post provides an excellent opportunity to develop a systems management approach in a supportive and secure environment. They would be expected to engage a diverse team including NHSE staff, SuppoRTT Champions, Trust management and key national and regional stakeholders. They will be supported to engage these stakeholders to build capability and to connect the service. Finally they would be expected to evaluate their progress and hold these systems to account.

Working on this rich and highly complex issue involving key, high power stakeholders affording the Fellow the opportunity to develop their proficiency in influencing for results.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date: 16/12/2024

Bid 27 - Leadership Fellow- Digital Innovation
Post Reference: FLP2527 / Bid 27

Host organisation: Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Having successfully hosted previous (award winning during their time with us) FLP Fellows, we are inviting applications to be our Digital Innovation FLP Fellow for 25/26. It is an exciting time for digital at HDFT, with the implementation of our new Electronic Patient Record (EPR) commencing in December 2024, with the roll out planned over a 2 year period. The successful applicant would be able to lead on a project within the digital space, be that related to a set up and delivery of one of our EPR modules or from our wider portfolio of clinical digital innovations. Working to the Medical Director, Chief Clinical Digital Officer and the Innovation Team at HDFT, this post will give candidates a unique insight into the workings of an agile and innovative NHS Trust whilst also allowing them to lead an independent piece of work and take part in the external facing elements of the FLP.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  15/11/2024

Bid 28 - Artificial Intelligence and Medicines Optimisation - Preparing the Pharmacy Workforce for a Future with AI
Post Reference: FLP2528 / Bid 28

Host organisation: Workforce, Training & Education, NEY, NHS England

Post location: NHS England, Blenheim House, Leeds/home-based

Potential Applicants: 

  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

An opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic, innovative pharmacist to develop leadership skills through the NHS England Future Leaders Programme and to deliver a collaborative project raising awareness of digital and artificial intelligence technologies in relation to pharmacy and medicines. Informed by relevant policy and research the postholder will identify and evaluate educational interventions, scope educational requirements of healthcare professionals, engage with stakeholders and recommend educational interventions to develop the pharmacy workforce’s digital capabilities. A key aspect of the role will be to engage with multi-professional teams at a senior level to build strong relationships and develop leadership skills. Applicants must be registered pharmacists and be prepared to complete a postgraduate qualification on a subject relevant to the post. Based within the North East & Yorkshire School of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation, they will be supported to apply the learning throughout the project and to disseminate their findings through publications and conferences.

Job Description & Person Specification - BOTH NEED AMENDING

Application contact:

Interview date:  17/12/2024

Bid 29 - Leadership Fellow - Social Accountability
Post Reference: FLP2529 / Bid 29

Host organisation: Yorkshire and Humber GP School (NHSE)

Post location: Home based with access to appropriate office if needed for project

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to influence the development of socially accountable healthcare by implementing aspects of a Model for Socially Accountable GP Speciality Training (Patterson and Blane 2021) highlighted in the 2023 report Training the Future GP which states all GP trainees are encouraged to be socially responsive, responsible and accountable.

The fellow will be supported to develop compassionate leadership skills based on the FLP values of collaborate, continuous quality improvement, innovation, learning and reflection, systems thinking, alignment with strategic priorities, and tackling health inequalities.

It is expected that the fellow will work autonomously and collaboratively on projects tailored to their individual leadership development needs. The fellow will work directly with trainees, educators and local administrators whilst also contributing to senior management teams within the School. The fellow will also liaise with local experts in Health Equity and Deep End practices and other national bodies involved in the workforce and training strategies being implemented, including local Integrated Care Boards, the national NHSE Enhance team, the Royal College of GPs and Higher Education Institutes.

The leadership experiences from the post will help prepare the fellow to become a medical leader; these experiences include self-awareness, team working, learning how to set strategy, managing change and resource management.

The fellow will participate in a wide range of additional activities throughout the year including recruitment, ARCP panels and representing the School at local, regional and national events. It is expected that the fellow will participate in the regional and national Health Equity Focused Training Programme and GP School Social Accountability Teaching. They will also be encouraged to take an active role in the Future Leaders Programme.

The fellow will be supported to complete a 1 year qualification tailored to their needs (e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Leadership or Medical Education or similar).

The fellow will have the freedom to self-motivate and work independently, whilst also having a close network of support from within the GP School from the School Leads as well as the wider NHSE network. There will be regular meetings to discuss project work, review progress, set objectives and review their personal development plan.

The project will involve the fellow identifying novel, innovative and sustainable opportunities for trainees to learn how to reduce and manage health inequalities in their local communities. The fellow will be expected to communicate and collaborate with medical educators and utilise the expertise of LCBs and Public Health. They will need to connect with local community and patient groups to explore sustainable strategies to ensure equitable learning opportunities for all GP trainees. The fellow will be encouraged to consider how their project could be adopted across the region and by other schools.


Comments from previous Leadership Fellows in Health Equity


Exploring health inequalities with space to develop my leadership style has both enlightened me in what makes a good leader but also impassioned me to continue pushing for more HealthEquity to benefit all.


This role has given me incredible opportunities to explore the impact of health inequalities both locally and nationally, networking with leaders in the HealthEquity space, and sharing this learning with GP trainees across the region I will be a better future GP as a result of this opportunity.


Previous Leadership Fellow Projects include:

•Mentoring scheme for half trainees their line.

•Collaborative development of the Fair Steps Framework.

•Development of resources for FairHealth.

•A regional programme of community placements to increase GP trainees understanding of community-based care including the voluntary, charitable and private sector.

•ST3 swap project. ST3 trainees swap clinical sessions in practices with different demographics sharing knowledge and learning.

•Involvement in teaching and multiple poster presentations and over presentations at national primary care and medical education conferences.


Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  04/12/2024

Bid 30 - Leadership Fellow - Creative Health
Post Reference: FLP2530 / Bid 30

Host organisation: Yorkshire and Humber GP School (NHSE)

Post location: Home-based- with suitable office space as required for project work

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to create an innovative and sustainable project for trainees and educators to learn using arts-based resources.

The fellow will be supported to develop compassionate leadership skills based on the FLP values of collaboration, continuous quality improvement, innovation, learning and reflection, systems thinking, alignment with strategic priorities, and tackling health inequalities.

It is expected that the fellow will work autonomously and collaboratively on projects tailored to their individual leadership development needs. The fellow will work directly with trainees, educators and local administrators whilst also contributing to senior management teams within the GP School. The fellow will also liaise with national experts in this field and other national bodies including The National Centre for Creative Health and the RCGP supported SIG in Creative Health.

The leadership experiences from the post will help prepare the fellow to become a medical leader. These experiences include self-awareness, team working, learning how to set strategy, managing change and resource management.

The fellow will participate in a wide range of additional activities throughout the year including recruitment, ARCP panels and representing the GP School at local, regional and national events. It is expected that the fellow will participate in trainee and educator teaching. They will also be encouraged to take an active role in the Future Leaders Programme.

The fellow will be supported to complete a 1-year qualification tailored to their needs (e.g. Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Leadership or Medical Education or similar).

The fellow will have the freedom to self-motivate and work independently, whilst also having a close network of support from within the GP School from the School Leads as well as the wider NHSE network. There will be regular meetings to discuss project work, review progress, set objectives and review their personal development plan.

Previous Leadership Fellow - Arts in Health and Wellbeing projects included:

•GP Training Event – Creative Health and Social Prescribing

•Poster presentation at national conference

•Exploring ways in which GPs can improve staff wellbeing and patient outcomes through engaging with community based creative activity.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date: 04/12/2024



Bid 31 - Leadership Fellow - Regional Cancer Services Drugs and therapeutics (D&T) Pharmacist
Post Reference: FLP2531 / Bid 64

Host organisation: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The role of Leadership Fellow - Regional Cancer Services Drugs and Therapeutics (D&T) Pharmacist, is an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic and self-motivated pharmacist to develop their leadership skills in a highly recognised programme, supported to complete a PGCert with a healthcare leadership element (or other academic course) and a proposed project. The successful leadership fellow will be hosted within the cancer services pharmacy team at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. They will build a close working relationship with members of the local and regional cancer pharmacy teams, cancer alliance, cancer directorate and wider regional multidisciplinary team. There will be opportunity and expectation of direct report to directorate and executive group meetings.



With support from their nominated educational supervisor and a diverse team of clinical and business leaders and colleagues, the leadership fellow will complete a project to evaluate current practice and implement appropriate governance for a Regional Cancer D&T committee; to strengthen regional collaboration and ensure equality to service users.


Aims of the project include:

•Understand national best practice by liaison with specialist Cancer Hospitals and national organisations e.g. British Oncology Pharmacist Association (BOPA)

•Embed a process for horizon scanning of future NHSE approved systemic anti-cancer treatment (SACT)

•Propose a streamlined process for regional D&T application

•Develop templates to implement SACT regimen protocols for regional multidisciplinary team (MDT) use


The project is flexible enough for the leadership fellow to identify additional objectives in line with the overarching aim of the future leaders programme.


In addition to completion of appropriate leadership and quality improvement training it is anticipated that the leadership fellow will spend their time:

•Engaging with members of the MDT both regionally and where possible providing an interface with national groups – such as the UK SACT group or BOPA.

•Strengthening the existing regional links within cancer services

•Chairing working groups to create a template and establish a governance process for writing, approving, hosting and review of SACT regimen protocols.

•Develop leadership experience working with existing leaders

•Develop the toolbox for leading with compassion

•Regular contact and supervision with the leaders within and external to cancer services


Personal attributes:

The leadership fellow will expand their leadership, communication and interpersonal skills, through exposure to a diverse range of leaders from multi-professional backgrounds. They will be expected to regularly reflect on their learning and behaviours and will be supported throughout by a nominated educational supervisor and a diverse range of mentors. They will develop a higher level of critical thinking from completion of post graduate taught element and expectation to lead a project across organisational and professional boundaries.


Overall we hope to create a positive experience for the leadership fellow to recognise their own strengths and capabilities in leadership, through regular reflection to create a toolbox to lead with compassion, and encourage them and others to be a successful future leaders.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  17/12/2024



Bid 32 - Future Leaders Fellow: Innovation in Multi-professional Student Placements
Post Reference: FLP2532 / Bid 32

Host organisation: Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Bradford Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The Fellow will have a unique opportunity to explore, design, develop, implement, and evaluate an innovative approach to expansion. Opportunities may include but are not limited to: development of a multi-professional student-led ward; development of a student run service; development of placement experiences working with partner organisations to create rotational student experiences following patient journeys. The Fellow will be supported to identify and complete a project which operates without traditional boundaries to unlock multi-professional placement capacity and provide a high-quality learning environment. The Fellow will have full project autonomy with ability to change and adapt the project throughout their leadership journey.

The successful candidate will be integrated in both medical and non-medical education teams to develop multi-professional insight into learning environments and the challenges faced. The Fellow will spend time networking across the system to understand placements across Health/Social Care. The Fellow will network nationally to identify and share good practice. The Fellow will have regular contact with their named Educational and Leadership Supervisor.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  20/12/2024



Bid 33 - Leadership Fellow- IRIS Continuous Improvement Fellow
Post Reference: FLP2533 / Bid 33

Host organisation: Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

Post location: Humber and North Yorkshire (hybrid working, choice of York or Willerby as the ICB office base)

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives,Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

In Humber and North Yorkshire, the number of years a person lives in good health is less than the national average. To narrow this gap, we need to radically transform the way we address health and care challenges. Our Innovation, Research, and Improvement System (IRIS) is creating the conditions for bigger and bolder innovations and improvements within health and care. By supporting, enabling and connecting our integrated care system and working with leading external partners, we will secure data driven and evidence-based solutions that deliver against our Integrated Care System (ICS) joint forward plan and strategy. Our unique approach brings people together to encourage and promote innovation, research, and improvement in health and care to improve the healthy years lived by our communities.


Working within the Innovation, Research, and Improvement System (IRIS) team at Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (HNY ICB), the IRIS Continuous Improvement FLP Fellow will play an integral part in supporting the design and delivery of our CI programme whilst also having ring fenced and supported time to lead a CI project of your choosing. Organisations that have a CI culture have better adaptability to change, improved learning culture, increased productivity, improved retention, employee engagement, reduced waste, and are more innovative. Being a continuous improvement organisation is intentional, it does not happen without considerable effort, it requires a central programme team to support and enable best improvement practice and culture across the organisation. There is flexibility on the specific project undertaken by the Fellow, based on the applicant's interest and experience. There will be projects aligned to 5 key themes: building a shared purpose and vision, investing in people and culture, developing leadership behaviours, building improvement capability and capacity, embedding improvement into management systems and processes. Examples of potential CI projects the Fellow could lead.

-Supporting the adoption of evidence-based digital solutions to improve productivity.

-Applying the science of improvement dosing model approach to train colleagues in CI.

-Improving the joiners, movers, and leavers process within the organisation.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  19/12/2024



Bid 34 - Digital Clinical Leadership Fellow
Post Reference: FLP2534 / Bid 34

Host organisation: Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Airedale Hospital

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

An opportunity has arisen for a Digital Clinical Leadership Fellow (CLF) to work at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust alongside the Medical Directors Unit and the Clinical Informatics Team undertaking quality, safety and benefits realisation underpinned by clinical engagement, following the Trust’s much anticipated EPR go-live.


In the months and early years post our new EPR go-live there will be a number of opportunities to develop leadership skills in the digital space, focusing particularly but not exclusively on projects to identify and embed new ways of working, realising quality and safety benefits of the EPR and support the Trust’s digital maturity aspirations.


The fellow will also have the opportunity to work alongside a range of leaders in the organisation. Depending on the professional background of the successful applicant, there will be opportunities to explore relevant and appropriate specific projects.

Job Description & Person Specification - BOTH NEED AMENDING

Application contact: Jenny Newbury

Interview date:  17/12/2024



Bid 35 - Leadership Fellow - Foundation Expansion and the NHS Long-term Workforce Plan
Post Reference: FLP2535 / Bid 35

Host organisation: NHSE YH Foundation School

Post location: Leeds/Sheffield/Hull

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

As part of the NHSE Future Leaders Programme, Yorkshire and Humber Foundation School are seeking applications from candidates who wish to join the Programme as Leadership Fellows.

The Future Leaders Programme offers opportunities for medical and dental trainees, as well as nurses and other healthcare professionals, to do a one year ‘out of programme experience’ Leadership Fellowship to help grow and develop their personal leadership skills.

During the 12 month programme, the Leadership Fellow will have the unique opportunity of getting involved in transformational change to the delivery of training to the increased number of Foundation Trainees across the Yorkshire and Humber, gain experience in leadership, undertake postgraduate qualifications in leadership or other relevant disciplines and deliver projects designed to the specific needs of the NHS. The Leadership Fellow will receive ongoing supervision and feedback from a dedicated supervisor throughout the programme, meet regularly with other Fellows and also organise their own annual Future Leaders Conference. Candidates should demonstrate an awareness of the leadership skills that they would like to develop, and the motivation to engage with the opportunities that the programme offers.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date: 13/12/2024



Bid 36 - Leadership Fellow - EMLeaders Local Expansion Project Y&H
Post Reference: FLP2536 / Bid 36

Host organisation: School of Emergency Medicine

Post location: Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Nurses / Midwives

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The aim of this project is to expand the RCEM EMLeaders project into everyday education and training within our region. As well as being part of the FLP the fellow will get chance to be part of regional leadership training for EM trainees and expand further on the development of the programme regionally in innovative and creative ways with support and guidance from experienced leadership trainers

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  10/12/2024



Bid 37 - Clinical Leadership Fellow Improvement Academy
Post Reference: FLP2537 / Bid 37

Host organisation: Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford - flexible working arrangements are in place with opportunity to work from home part time

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The Improvement Academy is offering unique fellowships in clinical leadership. We are seeking enthusiastic fellows from different professional backgrounds to develop the skills and knowledge to become future leaders. There is an increasing recognition that the delivery of effective and safe healthcare needs an engaged and productive workforce. Understanding how to engage and support staff in a climate of increasingly complex care, fewer resources and greater service pressures is paramount and we are seeking motivated individuals to lead this work in our region and beyond, collaborating with national improvement bodies and the NHS.


The Leadership Fellow will be supported to develop a programme focusing on improving the working lives of staff. The programme will seek to understand the impact of compassionate leadership on staff-wellbeing, and its impact on patient safety and care. This aligns with strategic priorities of the NHS People Plan and the NHS Long-Term Plan to “look after our people” and builds on previous work already undertaken within the Improvement Academy.


The Improvement Academy, based at BTHFT, is a leading national centre in patient safety and quality improvement. The Fellow will work across a range of health and social care settings in collaboration with a range of organisations. They will join a well-established team with expertise in QI, patient safety, clinical and applied research, and implementation science to support them in their role. The IA is the implementation partner of the Y&H Applied Research Collaboration, is linked with a national Patient Safety Research Centre and leads the NHSE regional Patient Safety Collaborative. In collaboration with an ICP we lead a Health Foundation Innovation Hub.


Fellows will contribute to a range of clinical and management meetings and networks. These opportunities broaden fellows’ experience in areas such as research, patient experience, and quality improvement. This is complemented by extensive in-house training and the Future Leaders Programme. Publications and presentations at conferences are also supported.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Carolyn Clover -

Interview date:  16/12/2024



Bid 38 - Leadership fellow – Improvement Academy – Deterioration: the Impact of Safety Culture
Post Reference: FLP2538 / Bid 38

Host organisation: Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford - flexible working arrangements are in place with opportunity to work from home part time.

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The Improvement Academy is offering unique fellowships in clinical leadership. We are seeking

enthusiastic fellows from different professional backgrounds to develop the skills and knowledge to become future leaders. We expect an appreciation and interest in patient safety and safety culture, however detailed knowledge is not required as it will be gained throughout the year.


Ongoing projects include:

•Supporting implementation of Martha’s Rule

•Exploring how to use the Prevention, Identification, Escalation, Response (PIER) approach with system partners

•Implementing the Just Culture Assessment Framework

•Using patient voice to improve patient safety


The Improvement Academy, based at BTHFT, is a leading national centre in patient safety and quality improvement. The Fellow will work across a range of health and social care settings in collaboration with a range of organisations. They will join a well-established team with expertise in QI, patient safety, clinical and applied research, and implementation science to support them in their role. The IA is the implementation partner of the Y&H Applied Research Collaboration, is linked with a national Patient Safety Research Centre and leads the Yorkshire & Humber Patient Safety Collaborative. In collaboration with an ICP we lead a Health Foundation Innovation Hub.


Fellows will contribute to a range of clinical and management meetings and networks. These opportunities broaden fellows’ experience in areas such as research, patient experience, and quality improvement.


This is complemented by extensive in-house training and the Future Leaders Programme. Publications and presentations at conferences are also supported.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Carolyn Clover -

Interview date:  16/12/2024



Bid 39 - Leadership Fellow – Improvement Academy: Real-world Clinical Use of AI
Post Reference: FLP2539 / Bid 39

Host organisation: Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Improvement Academy, Bradford Institute for Health Research, Bradford, flexible working arrangements are in place with opportunity to work from home part time.

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Dietitians,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

The Improvement Academy is offering unique fellowships in clinical leadership. We are seeking

enthusiastic fellows from different professional backgrounds to develop the skills and knowledge to become future leaders. Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is not required, as the Fellow (Real-world Clinical Use of AI) will work with a multi-disciplinary team to identify and start to address issues around the safe use of AI in the NHS; including the investigation of “health data poverty” which may lead to health inequalities becoming embedded in AI. Ongoing projects include:


•Shared CAIRE investigating how AI can be integrated into clinical decision-making

•Investigating the use of Large Language Models (like ChatGPT) in healthcare settings

•Developing AI models for monitoring ICU patients

•Investigation of AI prediction models for type II diabetes outcomes and treatment recommendations


The Improvement Academy, based at BTHFT, is a leading national centre in patient safety and quality improvement. The Fellow will work across a range of health and social care settings in collaboration with a range of organisations. They will join a well-established team with expertise in QI, patient safety, clinical and applied research, and implementation science to support them in their role. The IA is the implementation partner of the Y&H Applied Research Collaboration, is linked with a national Patient Safety Research Centre and leads the NHSE regional Patient Safety Collaborative. In collaboration with an ICP we lead a Health Foundation Innovation Hub.


Fellows will contribute to a range of clinical and management meetings and networks. These opportunities broaden fellows’ experience in areas such as research, patient experience, and quality improvement.


This is complemented by extensive in-house training and the Future Leaders Programme.

Publications and presentations at conferences are also supported.


Links with the University of York Assuring Autonomy International Programme and Trustworthy

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Carolyn Clover -

Interview date:  16/12/2024



Bid 40 - Leadership Fellow - Growing a diverse healthcare workforce: advancing disability inclusion and broader Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda
Post Reference: FLP2540 / Bid 40

Host organisation: School of Public Health in Yorkshire and the Humber Region, NHS England

Post location: Leeds: Blenheim House, Duncombe Street, Leeds LS1 4PL

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Are you passionate about making a difference to increase equality, diversity and inclusion in health and public health leadership? Come and work with the School of Public Health in Yorkshire & Humber to help us make our training programmes as diverse as the communities we serve. We want to empower more people with varied experiences, backgrounds and ideas to thrive as future leaders and do our part to tackle the systematic injustices that make it harder for brilliant people to contribute as leaders.

This post will continue to implement the strategy and action plan for the School, with a focus on disability inclusion, while providing strategic support to the broader EDI programme to promote a diverse public health workforce in Yorkshire and the Humber. It will build on existing work and build networks with new and emerging partners regionally and nationally. This will further embed the work that we need to do to make a difference. There will be fantastic opportunities to develop leadership skills, with the support of an experienced supervisor and a Training Programme Director as well as the wider team within the School of Public Health and beyond.

Although we are working to develop our equality, diversity and inclusion work, we recognise that our workforce is still under-represented in people from marginalised backgrounds. We welcome applicants from these groups, and from diverse professional backgrounds to apply for this role; especially if you are committed to social justice and fairness and making a difference.

We are keen to ensure our interview processes are as accessible as possible. If there is anything we can do to support you during the application process, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can discuss.

Applications open10:00 on Monday 4 November 2024

Applications close16:00 on Wednesday 27 November 2024

Interview date 16 December 2024


Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  16/12/2024


Bid 41 - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Fellow
Post Reference: FLP2541 / Bid 41

Host organisation: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Dental Specialty Trainees (StR)
  • Public Health Registrars (ST5+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives
  • Pharmacists / Pharmacy Technicians
  • Healthcare Scientists/ Biomedical Scientists
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Art Therapists,Dietitians,Drama Therapists,Music Therapists,Occupational Therapists,Operating Department Practitioners,Orthoptists,Osteopaths,Paramedics,Physiotherapists,Podiatrists,Prosthetists/Orthotists,Diagnostic Radiographer,Therapeutic Radiographer,Speech and Language Therapists

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

This post provides a fantastic opportunity to understand and undertake improvement at scale within Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (STH). Sheffield is a city of diverse communities and the Trust has led the way in overseas recruitment and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. A key priority is being considered an employer of choice within our diverse community and this post will enable the fellow to discover and use evidence based approaches to bring about cultural change with the aim of creating a true climate of belonging at an organisational level. The fellow will combine the field of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) with those related to psychological safety, team dynamics and human factors to create an environment where trust and belonging can improved patient care & safety, improve staff well-being and retention and facilitate better individual and organisational decision making. The fellow will be based in the Trust's Organisational Development team (ODD) which includes a number of specialists working in collaboration with our executive body, clinical, operational and corporate teams across the fields of EDI, quality improvement (QI), improvement programmes, workforce redesign, leadership and team development.


The aims of this project are:


-To understand the available evidence base & experience for creating a climate of trust, psychological safety and belonging in culturally and racially diverse, volatile, complex and unpredictable healthcare environments.

-To form key relationships with experts in their fields related to these subjects to ensure their ideas and experience are integrated into this project and the work we do at STHFT.

-To lead the development and implementation of key interventions, training and projects that are new to STHFT and will have a tangible impact on creating a climate of belonging.

- To gain an understanding of, and experience in, the practical application of a range of outcome metrics and evaluation methods relating to EDI, culture and psychological safety

-To share the learning and outputs from this work at a local, regional and national level.


The fellow will be fully integrated into the STH ODD team and will have the same access to opportunities, collaboration, training and equipment as all ODD team members. ODD is a diverse and inclusive team committed to being able to show how working in a modern, truly flexible and compassionate way results in high levels of productivity, tangible outcomes, effectiveness and well-being.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date:  05/01/2025



Bid 42 - Leadership Fellow -Quality & Safety, Humber & North Yorkshire (HNY) Local Maternity & Neonatal System (LMNS)
Post Reference: FLP2542 / Bid 42

Host organisation: Humber Health Partnership- Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Post location: Hull

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)
  • Specialty and Associate Specialist (SAS) Doctors
  • Nurses / Midwives

Number of Posts: 1

Post start date: August 2025

Humber Health Partnership (Hull University Teaching Hospitals site) invites applications from medical trainees and Band 6+ midwives/ nurses for this future leader post for Humber & North Yorkshire (HNY) Local Maternity & Neonatal System (LMNS).

The fellow will support LMNS work for equality, quality and safety assurance for maternity & neonatal units in the region. The appointed fellow will work with maternity & Neonatal units aiming to deliver the objectives with Support from LMNS Safety group.

The NHSE has published a 3 year delivery plan for maternity and neonatal services.. The key themes are Listening to and working with women and families, Growing, retaining, and supporting our workforce, Developing and sustaining a culture of safety, learning, and support & Standards and structures that underpin safer, more personalised, and more equitable care.

The Future Leader will develop independent projects with LMNS support, covering key elements of the framework, aimed at safety and collective learning. They will be supported in promoting lesson sharing from Perinatal Serious Incidents, MNSI reports, Quality Indicators and Mortality in the Humber & North Yorkshire region covering 6 maternity and neonatal units. They will develop improved ways to disseminate integrated structured learning from these and develop quality improvement projects for improvements in key identified areas to prevent recurrence and improve outcomes, including the BAPM Magnificent 7 indicators, supporting the Neonatal work of the LMNS.

The appointee will be supported by the members of the HNY Safety group including clinical & non clinical leaders, & Public representatives from Maternity Voices Partnerships and responsible officers of the LMNS.

Applicants are invited to contact Dr Aparna Manou via e-mail ( for further information and facilitating contact with our previous fellows.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact: Aparna Manou

Interview date: 11/12/2024



Bid 43 - QI Leadership Fellow - Psychiatry
Post Reference: FLP2543 / Bid 43

Host organisation: Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

Post location: Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, Distington House, 3rd Floor, Atlas Way, Sheffield, S4 7 QQ

Potential Applicants: 

  • Medical Specialty Trainees (ST5+/GPST2+)

Number of Posts: 2

Post start date: August 2024

We are looking for an individual with excellent communication skills, capable of team working, maintaining confidentiality and a desire to succeed with the various challenges that the role presents. Fellows have the opportunity to build project management skills and to deliver sustainable improvement to the training experience. They will be supported to design and deliver a project of their own design, with the necessary support and training including completion of Improvement Learning South Yorkshire (ILSY).


Fellows will provide a written report of their project and submit this as a QI report to a relevant journal such as BMJ Open Quality. They will also be supported with conference presentations or QI funding proposals if they wish.



The fellow will work within SHSC head offices with support and supervision from the Medical Director, Associate Medical Director, Director of Research and Innovation and Head of Quality Improvement.


The QI Fellow will be expected/ supported to:

- Work with the Associate Medical Director and Head of Quality Improvement to identity and lead on a suitable QI project

- Develop skills and knowledge in quality improvement through various training including Improvement Learning South Yorkshire (ILSY)

- Manage communication with Trust groups and clinical teams as appropriate, which will involve the preparation and presentation of key information to those groups

- Build working and trusting relationships and communicate information which may be complex and sensitive at all levels across the Trust

- Facilitate/ Support scoping and planning of workshops and stakeholder engagement sessions

- Develop and maintain networks with other leadership fellows within the region

- Develop knowledge and skills related to Health Inequalities and population health

- Develop knowledge and skills in patient, carer and service user engagement

- Develop a personal leadership development plan embracing leadership courses, conferences and educational opportunities

- Think reflectively, analytically, conceptually to identify where services can be improved applying learning to leadership development

- Appraising options working in partnership with directorate clinical teams and senior managers.

- Support other Doctors in Training in the Trust with QI development and support

- to complete a higher degree/PG Cert related to leadership during their year to augment their learning and development

We particularly welcome applications from colleagues from underrepresented groups.

Job Description (Person Spec to be added)

Application contact:

Interview date: 04/12/2024