Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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School of Paediatrics Newsletter June 2021

Do you have news to share? Contact the School of Paediatrics website                                  

                                                                                                                                                                     December Newsletter  January Newsletter  February Newsletter

                                                                                                                                                                     March Newsletter  April Newsletter  May Newsletter


Welcome to the HEYH School of Paediatics newsletter. Please contact the team if you have news to share or want to contribute. 

The Newsletter will be updated on a monthly basis and aims to highlight news and events from across the region and country.    

HEYH School of Paediatrics New Doctors' Induction Booklet

Created by trainees for new trainees, This booklet contains helpful information for new (and old!) doctors in the region. Click on the heading to download the PDF version.

Educational and Clincal Supervisor Update

Over the next few months there will be regular update sessions for supervisors delivered by TPD via Microsoft Teams.

Please see here for copy of the power point presentation

Support your Trainee to Improve Self Care , Manage Stress & Enhance Resilience

Accessible FREE for all Supervisors and final year Trainees in Yorkshire and Humber. 

Commissioned in partnership with DoctorsTraining and Health Education Yorkshire and Humber SuppoRTT team

To book




Join our experienced tutors who are practising NHS doctors and take time to consider how you can suppport trainees.

We recognise from the GMC review (caring for doctors caring for patients) that there are considerable challenges faced by all doctors working within the NHS, with 1 in 3 doctors suffering work related stress and 1 in 4 trainees experiencing burnout.

Regional TROD (Trainee Representative in Organ Donation)

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) wish to offer a role for a trainee to work with the Yorkshire Organ Donation Service to support development of organ donation practice in the region and establish effective working relationships with members of the local and regional Organ Donation Service and other key stakeholders. The role has been trialled elsewhere in the UK very successfully.

Please click on the heading for more information

Statement writing

Writing a statement is an important skill to learn as for many job applications this is now the preferred method of getting information about candidates rather than using a traditional CV.

We are therefore taking the same approach for opportunities within the School of Paediatrics so that trainees have an opportunity to practice these skills. This will apply for requests for posts that are or may be competitive (like some of our speciality posts) and for other opportunities as trainee reps for the school or the infectious diseases diploma. On some occasions you may find that we will also have to interview to be able to make a decision that is as fair as possible to everybody.

Please regard the request for a statement as a learning opportunity and spend some time on writing as good a statement as possible. A good statement is something that can be kept, used as a baseline and improved further for other forthcoming post opportunities. You may find that starting your statement early, spending some time on it and asking trainers like your educational supervisor for advice will all help to produce a good quality statement. There is also lots of online support available and you may find the two links below (which are not specific to medicine) helpful.

Good luck with your application.


Paediatric Regional Endocrine Teaching and Training day- 29th June

The next PRETT-Y (Paediatric Regional Endocrine Teaching and Training - Yorkshire) day will be on Tuesday 29th June 2021. It will be a virtual meeting and the topic is diabetes.

 If you would like to reserve a place or further information, including a copy of the programme, please email

Shape of Training Project Group- Trainee Representatives appointed

Two Trainees have been appointed to the Shape of Trainig Project Group. This will help the School of Paediatrics prepares for Shape of Training.

Dr Holly Hester

I am currently ST6 in GRID diabetes and endocrinology. I have a very good understanding of the training structure, an early interest in Kaizen and RCPCH training requirements. Whilst also understanding why trainees need flexibility and how this can be achieved. I have benefited from working in different deaneries as well as abroad, and I have benefited from shaping my training to meet my career aspirations and lifestyle. I am​ dedicated to inspiring the new generation and instilling the same passion I have for paediatrics in them; modernising the training structure will be pivotal to this. 

Dr Alexandra Large

I am currently at ST3 working in Leeds and I will move into ST4 in September. One aim of Progress+ is to streamline the transition from Tier 1 to Tier 2. As I am currently going through this process, I will provide a useful insight into the challenges faced by trainees and areas that can be improved. I have thoroughly enjoyed my training so far within Yorkshire and Humber and would like to ensure colleagues continue to have similar experiences. In Progress+ there is an emphasis on prioritising learning opportunities. Trainees are encouraged to find learning in every patient encounter in every setting. As someone who learns best from experience, l would like to support colleagues and supervisors to put this into practice. I hope my contribution to The Shape of Training Project Group would ensure Yorkshire and Humber continues to meet high standards in paediatric training.


Paediatric Technical Skills Course 21st June

Who is this course for?
Paediatric trainees who have had limited opportunities to practice skills due to opportunities to practice skills due to COVID.
Any other trainees who may work with children such as anaesthetics of Emergency Medicine who such as anaesthetics of Emergency Medicine who feel they need to build confidence in paediatric feel they need to build confidence in paediatric skills.skills.
Anyone AHPs who are involved in paediatric procedures (ANPs, MTIs PAs). procedures (ANPs, MTIs PAs).
What will I learn?

A wide range of skills tailored to your requirements. Including
•Airway skills (intubation)Airway skills (intubation)
•Lumbar PunctureLumbar Puncture
•Needle thoracentesis & Needle thoracentesis & chest drain chest drain insertioninsertion
•Venous Access. I/O, Venepuncture.Venous Access. I/O, Venepuncture.



Online Courses

Safeguarding level 3- can be accessed at ALSG-

You need to create an account to log in. Then click on CPRR for Bradford Teaching hospital. You will need a code which can be obtained from Vicky Williamson




ALSG free online resources including APLS E-book and PLS E-module-

Human Factors-


Upcoming Events

Paed SuppoRTT programme

Paed SuppoRTT Face to face 6th July
Paed SuppoRTT Virtual 7th July
Paed SuppoRTT Face to face 13th September
Paed SuppoRTT Virtual 17th September
Paed SuppoRTT Face to face 10th November
Paed SuppoRTT Virtual 12th November