Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Before your arrival

The following information includes useful guidance and recommended resources to help you familiarise yourself with working in the NHS in advance of your arrival. It also contains useful contact information which you may need whilst preparing to join us. We also recommend that you look at further supportive information contained on our Resources and Useful Links and Living and Working in the UK webpages. 

Familiarisation with the NHS and UK Healthcare

Discover How the NHS in England works by watching the explanatory video and supporting guidance produced by The King’s Fund. You may also find it useful to familiarise yourself with the NHS acronyms that are used in practice, and the A-Z of Health Professionals that you may encounter during your training.

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) produces clinical guidance which you should apply to your practice. In addition, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has an online learning platform that provides free courses on a range of medical topics.  

We also recommend that you access the British Medical Association’s (BMA) Toolkit for Doctor’s new to the UK and their guidance on Being an International Junior Doctor in the NHS. In addition, the NHS has developed a guide on Working and Training in the National Health Service guide for International Medical and Dental Graduates.

If you are a medical student transitioning into an F1 post in the NHS, you may also find the Geeky Doctor's Preparation for Practice Guides beneficial. 

Professional Standards

The General Medical Council (GMC) and General Dental Council (GDC) are public organisations that work to keep patients safe and improve Medical and Dental education in the UK by setting and maintaining standards that Doctors and Dentists must comply with. As a healthcare professional in the UK, you need to be aware of the professional standards that you need to comply with.  

We advise that you read and familiarise yourself with the GMC's Good Medical Practice Guidance or the GDC's Professional Standards and Guidance. In addition, Doctors should review the GMC’s Welcome to UK Practice Case Studies which are designed to help you check your understanding of the Good Medical Practice guidance and how you can apply it to your daily practice.

Relocation and Excess Mileage Policy

Whether you are moving to the UK from overseas or moving to Yorkshire and Humber from another training region, you may be eligible for reimbursement of costs associated with relocation. Please see our Relocation and Excess Travel guidance for details of the applicable criteria. You should review this information in advance of making arrangements to relocate, so you are aware of your eligibility for claiming.

In particular, we would like to highlight the following:

  • All relocation, removal and associated expenses will be reimbursed from UK port of entry only.
  • You should liaise with your employing trust in advance of your arrival to seek clarification if you have any questions about your eligibility for reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement claims cannot be submitted in advance. They can only be made once you have commenced your training programme.
  • Each Trust manages their own application process for expense claims.
  • Deadlines for claiming reimbursement apply.

Sponsorship and Visa Applications

The Yorkshire and Humber Sponsorship Team have lots of information and guidance on their website to support you with the process of applying for your Visa, in addition to information available from the National Sponsorship Team.

The National Team are responsible for issuing you with your Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). If you have any queries about this process, you can contact the National Team at:

Should you have any questions about the Visa application process, or require any support, you can contact the Yorkshire and Humber team at:

Social Support

Our Social Support and Integration webpage contains a range of resources and recommended services that can support you in preparing for your arrival in the UK, including our Social Prescribing Service and guidance on key aspects such as opening a bank account, securing accommodation, and registering with local services such as a GP and Dental Practice.

Flyer advertising the NHSE Yorkshire and Humber Social Prescribing Service for International Medical Graduates