Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Bidding Rounds

NHSE is providing Local Education Providers and Schools with the opportunity to bid for investment to expand an existing approach or develop a new idea that relates to creating and imbedding a supportive return to practice for doctors and dentists in training.

Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • "Brainstorming" events for departments, trainers, medical staffing departments, medical education departments, etc., to consider mechanisms to support doctors and dentists in training in returning from a period of time out.
  • Speciality-specific developments within Schools to support returners.
  • "Bootcamps" and SuppoRTT course development.
  • Trust-based support groups with identified objectives.
  • Enhanced inductions.
  • Developing resources for returning or out of programme Postgraduate Doctors in training.
  • Post-covid initiatives / courses