Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber


Throughout training, and in every post there are two types of supervisor: Your Educational Supervisor will act as your mentor through training towards your Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). Your Clinical Supervisor changes every time your rotate to your next placement, and when in a GP Post, is the term used to describe your GP Trainer.

Educational Supervision

The Educational Supervisor is expected to:

  • review eportfolio entries and ensure they link to requried competencies
  • provide WPBA feedback
  • monitor log entries to ensure a sufficient amount are uploaded
  • provide pastoral support
  • assess the Naturally Occurring Evidence (NOE) at the times of the ESRs 
How many sessions and when

ST1: 2 meetings in first post, 1 meeting in second  (i.e. 3 for that year: 1 informal + 2 formal)

  • ST2: 1 per 6m post (ie 2 for that year: both formal)
  • ST3: 1 per 6m post (ie 2 for that year: both formal) 
 After the meeting
  • You and your supervisor MUST generate an "Educational Supervisor's Review" (ESR).
  • This report will highlight any difficulties - either personal, educational or with the post. Please don't worry about these being documented. Educational supervision is not about disciplinary procedures but more about helping you overcome or see you through the difficulties.
  • Therefore, the report has an "agreed action plan" to help your training journey become smoother.
  • The report must be uploaded onto the e-portfolio.  
Educational Supervision Toolkit

The Primary Care School in Yorkshire and the Humber have developed a toolkit to give clarity on the rules around educational supervision within General Practice.

The toolkit does this from the position of both the Supervisor and the Learner; showing who is able to supervise who, and what training, approval, or certification they require before they are able to provide this supervision.

You can view the Education Supervision Toolkit using the following link:

Education Supervision Toolkit

*Open the toolkit in presentation mode for best use

Clinical Supervision

Your GP Trainer is effectively your Clinical Supervisor when you are based in a Primary Care setting, but you will also be allocated a Clinical Supervisor during each of your Hospital training posts.

Clinical Supervisors Report (CSR) will be completed towards the end of your post and will be needed before your Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) is arranged.

It is your responsiblity to ensure that this is organised in accordance with the relevant mandated timescales.

Hub and Spoke Supervision

Hub and Spoke supervision is where the supervision of a single GP PGDiT (GP Trainee/Registrar) involves both a 'hub' trainer and a 'spoke' clinical supervisor, with the clinical work undertaken at the 'spoke' site.

The ‘hub’ trainer is responsible for the tutorials and workplace-based assessments (WPBA) with the PGDiT, usually equivalent to 1 session per week. The day-to-day clinical supervision is provided by the ‘spoke’ supervisor in a separate practice, which includes responsibility for debriefs and at least 1 WPBA.

The ‘hub’ practice will usually be an established training practice which provides the formal educational part of the GP training.  They are usually run within a primary care network, though there is some flexibility to this approach.

The ‘spoke’ practice does not need to be an established training practice, however learning environment approval will need to be obtained. The ‘spoke’ supervisor will need to complete a 2-day Roadmap Clinical Supervision course in preparation.

Useful Links

Supervisor SharePoint Hubs (registration needed) See here.