Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

Help and Support

There are various courses and support available to trainees in Yorkshire and the Humber.

Click on any of the boxes below to find out more.


New Starter to GP Training?

Information re what you need to know can be found here.

AKT Support Course

AKT Revision and Exam Technique Guide 

AKT Courses - Various options are available. Please discuss with your Performance TPD in the first instance. 

AKT Flowchart

Please see PowerPoints below:

Evidence Based Practice 

AKT Overview

Organisation and management 

Successful AKT preparation example - Dr Raj Dhaliwal, GP trainee

My AKT Prep

CSA Support Course

This course is targeted at trainees thought likely to struggle with the exam. These trainees are identified by selection scores, performance in practice or at mock CSA. The day involves exploring the exam and consultation issues in detail, followed by examiner and trainer observed simulations with feedback.

Length of course: One day

Frequency of the course: It is held throughout the year, in line with the exam sittings

How to book

Enhanced IMG Induction

This course is aimed at ST1s that have graduated abroad. The course incorporates practical GP advice, linguistics and consulting skills.

Length of course: August start - 2 days (must attend both) Last Tuesday in August and first Tuesday in September.  February start - 2 days (must attend both) Last Tuesday in February and first Tuesday in March. 

Frequency of the course: Twice a year, in line with the August and February start dates. 

How to book: Trainees will be emailed directly with details of the course. For any questions, please email

If you are an International Medical Graduate, please visit our IMG page

Fourteen Fish

Fourteen Fish offers different packages for AKT and CSA support, GP School will purchase the AKT package for all Y&H trainees who are in an extension due to AKT failure. Trainees in extension due to CSA failure will also have the CSA package purchased for them.

Professional and Wellbeing Support

Professional and Wellbeing Support resources are available here.

Support on Extension (SOX)

What is the SOX?

Standing for Support on Extension, the SOX programme has been designed for those GP trainees who have not passed the CSA exam within the allotted 3 year training programme therefore requiring an extension to their training in order to be able to re-sit and, hopefully, pass the exam. Dedicated SOX educators meet with the trainee and their trainer to analyse trainees’ consulting behaviours. A purpose-built CSA toolkit is used alongside a learning need assessment to develop a written educational plan. The trainee and the trainer then use the plan together to improve consultation skills, expand clinical knowledge and hone examination technique before re-attempting the CSA.


What does it include?

  • Self-directed learning – trainees are supported to identify individual learning needs and develop bespoke plans for themselves.
  • A team of dedicated educators – existing educators and examiners are recruited and trained to become the SOX CSA team providing support to trainees and their trainers.
  • CSA Tool and Toolkit – a learning needs assessment CSA tool has been developed to assess problem areas and a CSA toolkit to plan educational strategies which would facilitate improvement. The tool and toolkit touch on all areas tested by the CSA exam including clinical knowledge and interpersonal skills. The toolkit links to the corresponding areas.  (
  • Mock CSA examination – trainees are invited to attend a SOX educational session which includes recording a mock CSA exam of three simulated patient stations. They complete a self-assessment questionnaire to identify weak areas of curriculum knowledge.
  • Multi-faceted assessment - SOX Educators independently assess each trainee’s mock CSA videos using the tool and toolkit. They plan educational activities which address the individual’s problem areas. The educators also assess the trainee’s curriculum gaps and progress to certification on the RCGP learning portfolio. This multifaceted assessment enables them to produce a personalised support package.
  • Face to face meeting and educational plan – The CSA SOX educator leads half-day sessions with trainees and trainers in their training practice focussing on the holistic needs of the learning needs assessment.
  • Ongoing Support – Trainers re-assess the trainee’s progress regularly with the aim of identifying the point where the trainee is ready to sit the exam.
  • Support materials – CSA support access is given through Fourteenfish


The results from the North West have been impressive, with a marked increase in pass rates for re-sit candidates. Along with the East of England, we are the only other area offering the Sox programme. 

Study Skills for Busy Doctors

The course is aimed at those who have taken the AKT or CSA once and failed it. However, trainees that have failed an exam more than once are welcome to attend, if they have not previously and trainees are welcome to attend with TPD recommendation before sitting any exam if appropriate.
The course is led by a psychologist and trainer with many interactive exercises this will help those who have failed AKT or CSA to harness their nerves and perform their best. It will also address the last 4 weeks of exam preparation.

Length of course: One day

Frequency of the course: Three times a year. 

How to book: Trainees will be emailed directly to book on to the course. For any questions, please email

ST1 Booster Course

The ST1 Booster Course is run for trainees in ST1 who are awarded an extension or trainees whose TPDs feel they would benefit from attending. The course focuses on consultation skills, exam preparation tips, organisation and time management skills. There will be lots of time for questions and sharing concerns. This is not a punitive course; it aims to consolidate knowledge and support you in your training.

Length of the course: The course is one full day 10:00-16:00

Frequency: The course is run twice a year, once in February and once in August.

How to book: Trainees will be contacted directly, attendance is mandatory. For any questions, please email

Medical Indemnity

If you carry out any private or independent practice, you must arrange adequate and appropriate insurance or indemnity (even if this work takes place on NHS or HSC body premises). This applies even if the work is in addition to work you do for an NHS or HSC body. 

HEE will reimburse doctors undertaking GP Training for the cost of their insurance.

Find out more using the links below.

Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)

Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) is a centrally funded Health Education England (HEE) programme which aims to support ALL trainees to safely and confidently return to training after a sustained period of absence.

The programme applies to ALL trainees who are absent for a period of three months or more, regardless of the reason. Those who are absent for a shorter period may also access support.   

As returning trainees are a diverse group, SuppoRTT aims to provide a bespoke, individualised package for each retuning trainee, rather than a single ‘one size fits all’ approach. The SuppoRTT programme consists of;

  • A structured and systematic process for planning absence, maintaining contact whilst out and planning for your return
  • A menu of supported Return To Training Activities (RTT-A) that can be built into an individulised return-to-training package
  • Funding to support CPD activities and a Supernumerary period dependent on the trainees individual needs

We understand that returning to training after a period of absence can impact your clinical skills and confidence, however, you are not on your own! HEE and your School are here to support and guide you through this process. You just need to ask.

For further information please visit the SuppoRTT pages