Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Structured Training Programme (STP)

It is recommended that each trainee has the equivalent of 30 working days every year to be used exclusively for educational purposes. The equivalent of one half day per week (15 days per year) should be for attendance at the regional Structured Training Programme (STP) or an equivalent event. At least 10 of the 15 days should be spent in respiratory medicine training. A minimum of 3.5 days per year should be in general internal medicine (GIM) training. Two of the respiratory days should be used for authorised and confirmed attendance at recognised national/international meetings (such as BTS, ERS or ATS). The remaining allocation should be for research, audit, attendance at trust medical meetings, e-learning and training in subjects not provided at the base hospital such as transplantation.

Respiratory Curriculum

At each training site the trainee will have a nominated educational supervisor and clinical supervisor, who may be the same person. It is important that you meet these consultant(s) within the first week in each part of your rotation so that educational agreements can be signed.

Training days / courses outside the STP

A Curriculum delivery budget is available to support trainees attain their educational targets. If you wish to attend a ‘CME approved’ course please liaise with your supervisor and your TPD about funding. An example of courses which we encourage are the Lung Transplantation course in Newcastle and and the Difficult Lung Disease course in Sheffield. Health Education England working across Yorkshire and the Humber courses are also important to attend during your training. Different courses are recommended for differents stages of training. More information can be found here.


The breakdown of training days are as follows:

  • 8 STP days 
  • Simulation training days 
  • 2 days Yorkshire Thoracic Society
  • 1 day Closed Respiratory clinic
  • 2 days National days (BTS/ERS/ATS)

A summary of all teaching activities attended should be retained within your e-portfolio. Evidence of attendance at 30 STP days or equivalent is required for PYA. It is recommended that you attach a summary of the training events you have attended in the personal documnets of your eportfolio annually.

Structured Training Programme

The STP consists of at least eight full days of curriculum linked education throughout the year.  The training days usually take place at Pinderfields Hospital Medical Education Center, and are amalgamated with the educational programmes for South and East Yorkshire. 

The day normally comprises presentations on two major educational topics are presented by one of the consultant faculty. A copy of a typical programme is attached here. There are also three presentations from trainees in the form of a journal club.  The rota is managed by the local trainee representatives and it is expected that StRs will present at least twice during their training. The article is usually recommended by the speaker.

After each training day there is a short online feedback form to complete; this is essential to ensure that the STP remains useful and relevant for trainees. Feedback must be completed in order to receive an attendance certificate. Certificates should be uploaded to the e-portfolio along with a list of any dates missed and the reason why (for example due to nights or on-calls). These documents will be reviewed at ARCP; 70% attendance is expected.

A formal study leave form must be completed for each training day and signed off by educational/clinical supervisors.

If you have any questions about the training programme please contact Dr Kate Williams (Mid Yorks NHS Trust) who, along with the three trainee representatives, co-ordinates the STP.


Yorkshire Thoracic Society

The Yorkshire Thoracic Society runs two full days of educational activities each year. This includes an annual competitive case/research/audit/QIP presentation competition for StRs. Membership is free for trainees. Travel grants are also available for trainees. The current secretary is Dr Mike Crooks (Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals).

A formal study leave form must be completed for those wishing to attend. Membership and attendance at these meetings is strongly encouraged.     

The next YTS meeting will be 13th October 2018.

If you would like to join please email:       

Closed Respiratory Clinic

This is a quarterly meeting of all the regional consultants, which is also attended by a panel of interested radiologists and pathologists.  Consultants and StRs are encouraged to bring rare or complex cases along to the meeting which can be discussed, partly as an educational exercise but also as a means of gaining peer support and advice.

It is expected that StRs participate and present cases throughout the year, aiming for at least 2 during your training. After presenting a case you should complete a reflective assessment for your eportfolio.

An attendance register is kept at this meeting and is used to inform the ARCP panel. Attendance at three of these meeting can be counted as one day towards the final requirement of structured respiratory training (i.e. two hours per meeting).

If you are not on the mailing list you should contact Dr Paul Beirne at St James's University Hospital. The Closed Clinic is held in the Radiology Academy, Leeds General Infirmary.  Food is provided from 17:45 and the meeting commences at 18:30.

Simulation Training

In addition, to regular respiratory training days, we are proud to have designed a comprehensive simulation training to support the Respiratory Medicine JRCPTB curriculum. There are designated Clinical Skills laboratories accross Yorkshire and the Humber and regular simulation courses in chest drain insertion, thoracic ultrasound and bronchoscopy. 

A two day course is compulsory for new ST3 starters and covers thoracic ultrasound, bronchoscopy simulation and chest drain insertion. This is currently run annually in August.

More recently we have also developed a Medical Thoracoscopy and IPC insertion course allowing trainees to gain knowledge and skills in these procedures in a controlled environment of clinical skills laboratory.  Pulmonary physiology workshops that incorporate interpretation of pulmonary function tests, non-invasive ventilation, performing basic spirometry, overnight oximetry and capillary blood gas sampling are available. We are also piloting a Difficult Simulated Scenarios in Respiratory Medicine course and developing a simulation EBUS course.


The Specialist Certificate Exam

The Specialist Certificate Examination

The Specialist Certificate Examination (SCE) in respiratory medicine is set at the level of a newly appointed Consultant. There is only one opportunity to sit the exam in October every year and it is recommended that StRs consider taking the SCE before their final year. A CCT can not be awarded without success at the SCE and once the trainee has gained their CCT in Respiratory Medicine, they will be eligible to use the post-nominal MRCP (Respiratory Medicine).

The exam consists of two papers each lasting 3 hours, each paper has 100 questions. The questions are in ‘best of five’ multiple choice format; there will be five plausible options to choose from only one of which is correct There is no negative marking. 

The pass rate for 2019 was 65%.

More information can be found on the MRCP and the BTS websites.

Dr Adam Hill and Dr Ian Coutts, Secretary and Chair respectively of the Respiratory SCE Board have given the following tips:

The second Yorkshire Respiratory SCE will be held on 12/9/19. If you have any questions please contact Dr A Dwarakanath (

Online Learning

Lung function test portfolio for respiratory trainees 

Respiratory trainees can now access the Lung Function test portfolio from the Midlands Thoracis Society website. Please click here to access this. This can be used to meet the curriculum requirement F2. Respiratory Physiology and Lung Function Testing which is available on the ePortfolio in the Respiratory Medicine 2010 (amendments 2014) curriculum.

Dates for your diary

Due to COVID 19 Pandemic training is being delivered via an online platform where possible. The SCE revision course is now being run as fortnightly evening sessions instead of a day course.  


Dates for 2022:

The PInderfields' lecture theatre has been booked but obviously days will be NFTF if needed.



05 January 2022

Lecture theatre

10 February 2022

Lecture theatre

16 March 2022

Lecture theatre

14 April 2022

Lecture theatre, Post Grad Skills Lab & Sim Suite 3

12 May 2022

Lecture theatre


06 July 2022

Lecture theatre

22 September 2022- ST4 Induction

Lecture theatre, Post Grad Skills Lab & Sim Suite 3

19 October 2022

Lecture theatre

17 November 2022

Lecture theatre

14 December 2022

Lecture theatre