Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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General Practice ST1

Welcome to the General Practice Recruitment page for NHS England - Yorkshire.

We hope this page provides you with all of the information you require, however if you need to contact us please email or phone us as per the enquiry details and we will be happy to assist you with your query

In order to assess your suitability for this training programme please refer to the national Person Specifications on the Specialty Training website.

The expected duration of this training programme is 3 years from ST1 level, subject to satisfactory progression. The actual duration may depend on the circumstances of individual trainees.

#Choose GP Yorkshire and the Humber from Anne Hawkridge on Vimeo.

Health Equity Focused Training - HEFT Scheme (formally Trailblazer Scheme)

NHS England – Yorkshire and Humber HEFT rotations, are designed to give you the knowledge, skills and confidence to work in areas of poverty and with excluded groups, including those experiencing poverty, homelessness, sex workers, vulnerable migrants, and Gypsies and Travellers. Practising in these areas is challenging, but incredibly rewarding.

Health Equity Focused Trainees will be able to choose from specific rotations that are part of their chosen local GPST programme and will have access to additional learning opportunities and support. Please note this programme is not suitable for ACTF.

For more information on Health Equity Focused Training, please click here or contact Nicola Gill.

Innovative Training Posts

We have expanded our range of innovative training posts, which gives you the opportunity to combine experience in one of a wide range of hospital or community specialties with the ability to apply that learning in a GP base in a combined post. We are developing opportunities for you to train with your multi-professional colleagues.


In Contact Training Posts

In Contact Training is a Longitudinal Integrated Training rotation being piloted by our Sheffield GP Training Scheme. This is an exciting new way to experience your GP Training. On this training rotation your experience in secondary care posts is interleaved with experience in a GP placement over 18 months to consolidate and embed your learning for your chosen GP Career.

Please click here for more detailed information.


Global Health Fellowship

We have a great opportunity for doctors applying as a GP trainee in Yorkshire and the Humber​!

If you are interested in applying for a Global Health Fellowship after you have been appointed to a GP Training Scheme, please click here.


Not found what you were looking for?

A wealth of information can be found on the GP Schools page including detailed scheme information, programme information within Yorkshire and available training courses - The Yorkshire and the Humber School of General Practice

Further sources of information:

The Recruitment Process

The General Practice National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) nationally co-ordinates GP Recruitment for all LETBs.

Please review the timetable, available on GPNROs website, to ensure that you are aware of deadlines and timescales for the round.


Rotations and Programme Information

GP Training in Yorkshire takes place within Schemes. Please click here for scheme details.

Please note, some schemes have merged their boundaries for some of their rotations. These will be clearly listed on the rotation PDF, when this information is available.


The Allocation of Rotations/ Placements

In the first instance, candidates must apply just to a Geographical Scheme in Yorkshire and the offer made is just to that Scheme. The allocations of rotations (which include Trailblazer posts and Innovative Posts) cannot happen until after the main offer has been accepted and the upgrade deadline has passed.

Once the upgrade deadline has passed, the Yorkshire and Humber team will email all newly appointed candidates, emailing them with the details of what happens next which includes the list of all available rotations and asking candidates to go into their Oriel account to preference all rotations. Where possible, a 7 day window is given to candidates to do this but the deadline is always clear on the email.

Once the deadline has passed, candidates will be allocated their rotation/placement based purely on ranking and preferencing. No amendments will be made to the algorithm for individuals.

If you are specifically interested in a Trailblazer post or an Innovative post the allocation of these is the same as above as it is not possible to recruit to these separately at the moment.



Preferencing for specific rotations will be taking place within the Oriel system.

Candidates will be asked to make their choices of rotations from a list that will be available once the hold and upgrade deadline has passed.

An example of a list of rotations is available on this page. The current list of rotations available will be sent directly to appointable candidates when asked to preference. Please note the information is subject to change.

ATCF, Deferrals and TERS

Accreditation of Transferable Competencies Framework (ATCF)

Candidates applying to GP in  or after 2023 may be able to have their time in training shortened by 6 months if they have completed at least one year in a recognised approved training programme from a specific list that has been laid out by COGPED and can be found here.

Candidates must ensure that they select this request on their application form as retrospective requests cannot be considered.

Further stages of this process will only take place after the offers process has been completed. Each trainee that has selected this option on their application will be emailed with a form to complete and submit. The application will then be passed to a panel that will review each application against the national criteria, the outcome will be emailed to the candidate as soon as it is possible to do so.



UK applicants can defer the start of their ST1 programme on statutory grounds such as personal ill health or maternity/paternity/adoption leave in line with the Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK (The Gold Guide, 8th Ed.).

Successful applicants cannot apply to defer entry to GP training on non-statutory grounds.

To find out more about deferrals, and the rules, please see GPNROs website.

To apply for a Derral, plese click here



Please note that vacancies within some of the Schemes will attract a one-off payment (TERS) to the successful candidates. The Schemes that attract this payment are indicated in the Vacancy information. Details about this payment can be found here.

Additional Information