Workforce, training and education
Yorkshire and Humber

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Educational Activity

The expectation within the 2021 curriculum is that trainees will undertake educational activity in every domain during each stage of training including the Generic Professional Domains. 

There are numerous ways to meet this requirement so it shouldn't be too daunting. However, trainees must make sure to document their activity in the training portfolio.

Examples of educational activity might include:

  • Local teaching sessions held in the department or medical education centre (as learner or teacher)
  • Regional courses and events eg. Primary course, Tufty club, START/CART (as learner or teacher)
  • Exam practice courses eg. Primary and Final VYVA, FIVA, (as faculty or candidate)
  • Online courses and events
  • Individual study including e-learning and reading journals
  • Journal clubs
  • Life support courses
  • HEE Generic Courses eg. management, QI etc

Trainees should also undertake training, at least once per calendar year, in each of the following two broad areas:

  • Practical skills (as learner or teacher) for example
    • Central line insertion
    • Ultra-sound skills
    • Regional anaesthesia
    • Airway skills relevant to Stage of Training
    • Tracheostomy management
    • Hands-on ‘Tea trolley’ sessions
  • Simulation based training (as learner or teacher) incorporating human factors and teamworking for example:
    • Novice anaesthesia skills and drills
    • Critical incident courses
    • Airway management Courses
    • Simulation exercises and sessions including in-situ simulation
    • Critical care Transfer Course
    • Difficult Airway Scenario Training
    • Obstetric Anaesthesia and Emergencies
    • Paediatric emergencies and stabilisation
    • Return to Work Courses

Study leave to attend courses will be governed by the HEE policy however, priority will be given to courses in the areas above and to those taking place within Y&H.

Reflective Practice

The RCoA position is that reflection can be done on positive as well as negative events and can be linked to clinical or non-clinical activities; there is no requirement for a set number of reflections.
In keeping with the AoMRC/CoPMED statement on reflection, it is recommend that documentation of reflective practice focuses on understanding of what has been learnt, and any resultant action, rather than on factual accounts of events; the demonstration of capability to reflect is the key point that should be recorded.
Educational Supervisors should provide evidence of trainees' reflection within their comments in the ESSR. If a trainee is named in a serious incident, evidence that the incident has been discussed with a supervisor and reflected upon must be documented in the portfolio and this should be clear on the Form R. 
Guidance regarding reflection has been published by the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges and Committee of Postgraduate Medical deans. This guidance is available by clicking on the headings below: